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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“Just ‘cause you don’t know what the right answer is … doesn’t make your answer right or even okay.”


Playlist pieces

I wanna see the sun rising anywhere but here


some things take time; some things, time will take

Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

02 June 2005 Thursday

Malaysian metric system

slated in stuff, malaysian at 5:41 am

from Lat’s Lot (Second Edition)

Tourist says to Translator: Can she say how far the kebun is from here?
Translator says to Native Woman: Berapa jauh kebun tu dari sini kak?

We are quite conservative when it comes to measuring distance.

Native woman says to Translator: Mmmm… tak berapa jauh, Encik… lebih kurang setanak nasi saja…
Translator to Tourist: That means if you are cooking rice now, it would be perfectly cooked the moment you get there.

01 June 2005 Wednesday

Congress overrun by female elects?

slated in dreams at 2:51 pm

dreaming..grandmother… her birthday… coinciding with chinese new year or new years or something… I with friends at giftshop or something..
I in Thailand or Malaysia at an old alley… a guy.. another friend also shows up after i’ve talked with old lady who owns shop there i used to visit in childhood (in this dream)... i plan to buy mochi or some native sweet there in big gift form… the guy’s showed up before in this dream.. he already bought a big box version.. by Godiva.. but almost certainly strawberry mochi or something…
family on trip together.. congreess becoming less a boy’s club and more a girl’s club… patronizng female leader just elected. Hilary Clinton there with husband among others.. all pretty zany.. are they drunk? Celebrating, certainly/pleased with themselves, certainly.
more to it all… so sleepy me right now.

Feel like I've been laying low...

slated in moments at 5:43 am

I’m feeling a bit like i’ve been neglecting my computer and internet projects this past weekend and recently… not for lack of wanting to turn attention to them.. and not for not being around my computer completing assorted errands that are after all nec`essary but don’t leave me with much to show or feel accomplished for when i’m done..

You Know You're Malaysian When....

slated in stuff, malaysian at 5:14 am

This was a forwarded email to me; some of it’s so true.. more than anything, it’s the accents and references that i love so.

You love to talk about food. You’re already thinking about what to have for dinner while eating lunch. “I’m stuffed. What shall we have for dinner?”

You pepper every sentence with lah. “No-lah, I can’t see you today-lah. I have to study-lah. You know-lah, the prison warden aka mak is watching me like a hawk”

Your accent and language style vary according to the race of the person you are conversing with.

30 May 2005 Monday

Playlist 05/29/2005

slated in playlists at 5:03 am

Andy StochanskyHere Nor There
The Decemberists — Shiny
Akeboshi — Hey There
Le ChevreEverything Reminds Me
Josh Rouse — A Simple Thing
Massive Attack – Teardrop
LifehouseSomewhere in Between

29 May 2005 Sunday

Playlist 05/28/2005

slated in playlists at 8:56 am

Hoobastank — What Happened To Us?
Frou FrouHear Me Out
The Arcade Fire — Rebellion (Lies)
Don Henley — Everything Is Different Now
Dido — I’m No Angel
Fischerspooner — Never Win

27 May 2005 Friday

slated in molehills at 2:14 am

What the .
The Great Divorce is nonfiction??

...okay then.

26 May 2005 Thursday

waking up from a bad dream

slated in as so at 5:32 pm

nightmares happen when i go to sleep really really really tired (like around 2-4am).. then i have to kick myself back awake and force myself to turn over—very hard to do when so tired, which is why that’s when the nightmares can come.

did you know that’s the cure to breaking away from a dream? if you don’t want to slip back into a bad dream, you must change body position signfiicantly—turn your body over.

villagey pirateish-feel dessertedish place with people and water and things

slated in dreams at 4:53 pm

dream had to do with some sort of remote pirate resort or something.. kind of isolated… three of us… myself and another girl and a guy.. the guy was kind of a tough/mean one.. and there was some strange relationship between him and myself.

Adjacent selectors should work both ways

slated in site-building at 10:16 am

absurd that CSS thought to have adjacent selectors but didn’t have any provisions for targetting an element BEFORE another, not just after.

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