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Playlist pieces

When I see you, I really see you upside down. But my brain knows better—it picks you up and turns you around.


we’ll both forget the breeze, most of the time
I can’t take my eyes off of you…


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

17 November 2004 Wednesday

Fwd: Seven Idiots of 2004

slated in stuff at 12:18 am

[Amusing forwarded email received today. Original source unknown.]

Number One Idiot of 2004

I am a medical student currently doing a rotation in toxicology at the poison control center. Today, this woman called in very upset because she caught her little daughter eating ants. I quickly reassured her that the ants are not harmful and there would be no need to bring her daughter into the hospital. She calmed down and at the end of the conversation happened to mention that she gave her daughter some ant poison to eat in order to kill the ants. I told her that she better bring her daughter into the emergency room right away.

Here’s your sign, lady. Wear it with pride.

16 November 2004 Tuesday

Ohio Recount: Hope Returns

slated in mainstream at 12:19 am

remember this?

(14:10:08) Cxxxk: can i give up hope yet     ...

well, permission rescinded.
There will be a recount of the presidential vote in Ohio!!

hurray hurray hurray!
it’s not everything… but it could be…

14 November 2004 Sunday

Churchill H.S. Wins Football Regionals

slated in stuff at 12:06 am

For the first time in ten years, I hear, Churchill high school‘s football team has won regionals. that’s quite impressive. i don’t suppose they’re rioting about, like UMD would do… but i’m sure they’ll find their own brand of celebration. :) thanks for news Victor (the one and only).

13 November 2004 Saturday

happy birthday Anahi and Mr. Rivera o^_^o

slated in days at 11:42 pm

here’s wishing a very happy birthday to Anahi, and a slightly belated *early happy birthday to Mr. Rivera.

i started to write a few things… but they were rambly and sappy… so i’m going to simply say that i hope every birthday finds each of you ultimately better and more well than the year before, and i hope today (and yesterday,..and tonight..and tomorrow….) are beautiful for you.

very best regards,

current desktop screenshots; bblean

slated in stuff, scenery at 11:31 pm

As intended, here be the screenshots… bblean is the shell, ‘joeblade’ is the name of the skin (i don’t remember where i picked it up.. but it’s one of three-four that i especially like.. i’m rather comfortable with this one though.) (be warned.. the three of these open up full-size (the first three are 1600×1200))

screenshot of desktop - a screenshot of my current desktop (panel alpha).

As I’d said, there are four available ‘desktop screens’ with bblean… i’m pretty sure this is a unix design.. so both the screenshots here are taken in the same ‘session’, but different panels/desktops.

i do like the transparencies that are optioned all over bblean’s menus… the menus could have a few additional options built in, such as ‘sort by date’ and such.. but i tend to use the ‘command line’ plugin that’s up in the top left corner. it’s not really a command line, but will respond to shortcuts that i plan in a text document. so i have ‘qq’ goes to my folder of ‘quick launch’ icons, and ‘winamp’ opens winamp, and ‘video’ opens my folder of videos… etc.—it’s a really long text document at this point.

screenshot of desktop - b screenshot of panel beta (one of four) of my current desktop

i depend on the system resource display up in top left to gauge when my system is memory leaking or some app is hogging anything… if so, i call up task manager and hard-kill. that IP address is incorrect, but i never notice it anymore. my aim/chat utility generally goes up in the top right (i fluctuate between miranda and gaim and original aim (i do run my msn accunt on the former two, but hard-uninstall (can’t do it through normal add/remove programs option) msn messenger from my computer every time i install windows—i abhor programs that open when i don’t tell tell them to, attach themselves to other programs (outlook) despite my objections, and run background processes with no reasonable way to shut them off. this is also why i’ve killed itunes from my machine (twice) and will not be quick to bring it back)).

what else… i run a destop wallpaper rotator.. usually changes every minute (or whatever setting i set).. lately i’ve just kept this wallpaper up though. i don’t know where i got it.

screenshot of last year's desktop screenshot of last year’s pre-bblean desktop

i wanted to show you a screenshot of my desktop pre-bblean. i relied heavily on icons..i don’t really miss them anymore in terms of navigation and productivity, but they were pretty and novel. that screenshot is a year old, though.. at one point, i was running two instances of the icon dock… one vertically on the left and one on the bottom (different icons in each, of course).. and that was pretty functional and pretty pretty, but the truth is that all these docks and stuff are add-ons, and every add-on is just one more thing to use resources and one more thing to crash. without the docks, i came to rely pretty heavily on no less than three rows of the little icons in my ‘quicktask’ bar. and i lived on the addressbar (which worked like a browser addressbar, so i could call up webpages and also any folder on my computer).. so all of that was good.

registry scan revealing problems the final count on this registry scan was 406 problems

when i found that old screenshot, i also came across a screenshot i’d taken of one of my registry scans… so here it is…illustration of my relationship with my computer..sometimes ;) my computer and i mostly get along, actually. i think if i just had tons more space and tons tons more processing power (and good non-leaky, non-obnoxious applications) then the world would be a far more splendid place.

and that’s that.

Writing ramble

slated in mused at 9:36 am

i want to get back into writing mode.
you know, i never really loved writing. i.. well, it’s a bit complex/twisted, actually. of course i love writing… i’ve always written.. i’ve most always kept notebooks around me and composed and kept journal entries.. a language developed so i could keep up my writting habit with safetyand open secrecy.. writing works as an outlet, as a record keeper, as communication, as display. it can be a chore, it can be magic.

i’m not even describing writing’s place in history.. the fact the invention of written record defines our lifestyles in most every way. that’s all beside the point in this discussion.

i guess it’s not really a discussion though. i’m writing and no one’s here and people may read but doesn’t mean they’ll write back.. so it could be a discussion if a dialogue begins it, but until then it’s just an entry.. and at this point, it’s rather a ramble.

and if the ramble’s begun, it’s on a roll to continue. when was the last time i had a good ramble? probably not long ago.. but no reason to kick the habit now. i said i wanted to get back into writing mode, right? what does that mean? who knows. i don’t know. but if writing’s what i wanted to do, then rambling is a perfect means towards that end.

the key to having something written is to write it. if you get stuck, then just write something else. write until what you were looking for reveals itself. aha. maybe that’s what i’m to write about; that’s what ‘Operation: Writing Mode’ is about.. maybe. i really didn’t have a definition at the start of this. i wanted to write something and so i began… and in five paragraphs i’ve found the/a goal.

beautiful. okay. so this is my plan, anyway… writing. writing writing. as if designing and scribbling and planning hadn’t been enough. missing something. a constant outlet. a habit neglected. goodness this is a ramble.

i’d like to set my own record right now for ramblingest ramble about writing (i’m sure i’ve done something like this before), but it really is way past my preferred bedtime now (how times have changed) so i’m going to wrap this up.

but i’m glad for this exercise and i hope i’ll get better about it. weird and choppy, but masterpieces are allowed to begin this way.

12 November 2004 Friday

slated in molehills at 9:01 pm

oh happiness. and by ‘happiness’ i mean ‘big gigantic complete obnoxious CRAP.’ these are the things at which i seethe.

Sucky suckerfish

slated in site-building at 5:09 pm

Actually, I think Suckerfish is really quite wonderful. I’m just a bit disappointed and frustrated (the fault’s certainly more mine) that I’ve not been successful in applying it to work for me. Same with the textpattern calendar plugin I’ve been wanting to put back on my site for a while.

I spent a lot of last night trying to get Suckerfish Dropdowns to work on my top navigation.. as I’ve intended to do since the start. thing is, I fully wanted it centered, and I’m happy with the column it’s in being a dynamic width. But the Suckerfish technique seems to depend for its entire existence upon float:left (or :right). And that just kills everything. It’s a deal-breaker. I will give it another try at a later date. I really did spend a whole lot more time on that last night than I should have even bothered to. But I was waiting anyway. There were other things I should have/would have done instead.. I guess I’ll have to hope to do them today instead.

Round and round and down and down

slated in prose/poetry, mused at 9:04 am

every step remains and more and more
and each to climb
but none inclined
and more and more is slipped and left
and left behind
round and round and down and down
and no one’s hand but mine

11 November 2004 Thursday

Investigate the Vote

slated in stuff at 10:40 pm

support Investigate the Vote: Because we haven’t completely given up yet, have we?

Everything is safely stored in the Archives