01 September 2006 Friday
Hi September.
“‘Surely they will have cured baldness by the twenty-fourth century!’
Roddenberry replied, ‘By the twenty-fourth century, no one will care.’”
I am coming home to you with my own blood in my mouth.
And I am coming home to you if it’s the last thing that I do.
The earth that is the space between,
I’d banish it from under me, to get to you.
Your unexpected love provides my solitary“s suicide…
oh I wish I knew…
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
I was never afraid of the word “love”. I understood its possible impact and gravity and implications, in a myriad of different situations said by different people to mean different things. But it didn’t really hit me on its own. Saying it wasn’t so hard either. Again, understood what it could/should mean, but the word itself was just a well-meaning word.
The more time that passes, the less reasons why, the more time why not.
..talk about a dead horse.
There really are a lot of good artists/concerts coming through in the next couple months. (I’m up to at least six that I would really like to be at. And feel particularly strongly about four of them.)
Or am I only just now paying attention? Prolly.
Will I really miss them if I miss them?
What matters most?
That actually makes it easy.
And about that age thing.. ...<del />
... It’s not about time. It’s never really about time.. time’s just a canvas.
p.s. how can I possibly be hungry again? well tough, Tummy. you wait for breakfast.
The Mountain Goats – You or Your Memory
Stuart Davis – Universe Communion
Carbon Leaf – Paloma
Jamie Cullum – High and Dry
Just yesterday started to have been too warm for too long for my taste, and I was assured that coolness was just a little while away.
And here it is :)
Not as sunshiney as has been, but still pleasant. I hear Friday might not be the prettiest of days?
Game of the day: Fly the Copter
I’m surprisingly bad at this game.. high score is 842. Can’t play much with it cuz that whole work thing..
I just watched one of the best stories ever… The 4400, season 2, episode 6..
‘was up for several hours last night (I think it turned out to be at least three solid hours or more) just listening to my music collection, posting some lyrics, exploring the music..
The Navigators – One Line Epitaph
Blue October – Into the Ocean
The Notwist – This Room
Dashboard Confessional – Am I Missing
Blue James Band – Going Home
Show me where the sun comes through the sky,
I’ll show you where the rain gets in
Pretty. but wrong.