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Playlist pieces

Why don’t you like me, why don’t you like me without making me try?...
I could be brown, I could be blue, I could be violet sky, I could be hurtful, I could be purple, I could be anything you like.
Gotta be green, gotta be mean, gotta be everything more..


I don’t want to feel anything, but I do… and it all comes back to you. ... I refuse to believe that it’s only me feeling.


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

01 July 2006 Saturday

Top Ridiculi'ers

slated in site-building at 6:03 pm

Finally got something working on Ferrydust that I’ve been wanting to implement since this site’s inception.

Thanks to the Rob’s rss_unlimited categories plugin, which I’ve been planning to install here for a while anyway, I’ve been able to break out the ridiculi section and feature the most frequent quotees..

30 June 2006 Friday

slated in moments at 9:17 pm

Oh, there’s the sun..

Site-building fdv2

since early April 2005

slated in site-building at 9:10 pm

March 2017~
[X]turned off ajw_clean_feed
[X]replaced rsx_frontend_edit_link with <txp:rss_article_edit> (had been using both; both were working very well)
[X]turned off zem_ir
[X]replaced@ rss_article_edit@ with <txp:rvm_if_privileged><a href="<txp:site_url />textpattern/index.php?event=article&step=edit&ID=<txp:article_id />">[ ] </a></txp:rvm_if_privileged>
[X]updated jnm_audio

[ ] all the jnm_audio calls in articles right now are broken links; the plugin seems to work beautifully, just need true links to the audio files
[X] txp:rsx_word_count appears innaccurate —was a mistake of txp:article_custom where should have been txp:article
[X] this article won’t load, perhaps because the title is all numbers. Same is true for post titled 23. Checking with forum Pretty sure it’s a plugin. will have to test turning off individual plugins. .. identified rss_suparchive as the cause. all works well with sgb_url_handler turned back on
[/] currently 58 plugins active. now 41. now 39.
[X] updated #archiveoffer#pagination; tons of conditionals.. improved… still tons;

Readinglist 06/30/2006

slated in reading at 8:13 pm

‘Have started reading Angels & Demons, by Dan Brown

29 June 2006 Thursday

The Namesake

slated in reading at 11:22 pm

I just finished reading The Namesake, by Jhumpa Lahiri.

The End of War

slated in mainstream at 8:31 pm

From 12minds

Here is my big issue with what happens when both sides of the aisle wrap the flag around the conflict in Iraq: people like Terry Lisk get forgotten. It becomes a broad and abstract idea that none of us really know anything about. It turns into a general overarching grand concept of truth, ideals and virtue. It becomes a black and white argument with no middle ground while the truth of the matter is that the truth itself is the thing that lies in the gulf between the two.


.... the hustle.... (oy.)

slated in stuff at 6:46 pm

Umm… I just received this email. This is the whole email, in its entirety, minus the part it was replied to, which really was simply me referring to a suddenly realized problem, and saying, ”*hustles to fix the problem*”

And this is what I get..

*starts singing*

do the hustle

do do do do doo doo do doo do
*head begins to bob right and left*
do the hustle!

*body begins to move*
do the hustle

do do do duh do do do do do do do

In case you want the lyrics (sadly, i could not find the mp3):

Do It
Do It
Do The Hustle


Do The Hustle

Do The Hustle
Do The Hustle

Do The Hustle

Do It
Do It


Do The Hustle


Do The Hustle

slated in stuff at 3:11 am

Hey… I’m cute in overalls :)
...or overalls are cute on me.

... in any case, we’re cute together.

And it's back

slated in moments at 2:53 am

heh… after a fantastic thunder and lightning storm last week, and then off and on rainstorms almost all the time since then,
the sun came out today. no rain this morning. puddles were almost all dry.. water level on the lake back down, birds all happy and that sun…..
sunny and warm and clear all day.. some clouds here and there, but dry all over.

Caught a bolt of lightning

slated in mused at 2:37 am

To answer...

Pearl Jam‘s song ‘Nothingman’, recently appears on this site under lyrics and playlists.

I’m actually not a Pearl Jam fan.. but someone whose musical taste I generally synch with, or at least appreciate, considers himself one of their biggest fans, so I’ve kept a slew of their music at hand.

I’m certain I’ve heard Nothingman before because the chorus is familiar, but I know that I would have skipped it every time upon hearing that chorus, because the lyrics and sentiment simply conflict with… well, it’s not the type of thing I like to sing about or dwell on. It’s very sad, besides.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives