05 September 2005 Monday
Labor Day Project and other today items
Oy. Poor BBB. It’s been worse, though…
Am going to dedicated a couple of hours today on what will temporarily be called The Labor Day Project.
If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But…
..."To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe, To bear with unbearable sorrow, To run where the brave dare not go.
...spent all of my life emptied of anthems, bracing for something that never did come
...Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Oy. Poor BBB. It’s been worse, though…
Am going to dedicated a couple of hours today on what will temporarily be called The Labor Day Project.
Textdrive’s hosting for life offer is back as VC3.. This time around, the hefty percentage goes to Katrina relief, instead of open-source projects as usual. Read more on Dean’s post to the forum.
(via ubernostrum)
I am at this moment getting my maryland real estate salesperson’s license. I know I know. Like we need more real estate agents running around, right?
Well, as I just said in my last entry, the Textpattern Resources site is revamping. With that full revamp, comes the pleasant opportunity to develop a branding for the site in the form of an effective logo, and also improve navigability and nice-to-look-atability with icons.
Textpattern Resources being a community-based site, we’re inviting the community to contribute submissions for possible logos and icons.
That’s it. It simply has to get done. I’ve just registered (#379) the Textpattern Resources site (textpattern.org) for the Fall 2005 CSS Reboot.
this is me testing RMail.
(i dunno.)
i’m hoping this may be useful for Textpattern in the vein of email subscriptions to articles (and comments) via their rss feeds.
I wrote my offhanded response to David Brooks’ article, All Cultures Are Not Created Equal a few days ago.
The following are my brief thoughts while reading the 12minds response to that article.
long-awaited news: Textpattern 4.0 is a go (with a weblog that i swear wasn’t there a couple days ago…)
and Rob’s newest Textpattern plugin, rss_admin_db_manager v4.0 is out in the world, and is looking so very beautiful and works so very beautifully. i’ve gotten to play with it and it’s very very happy.
Apple’s Mighty Mouse that i saw in the Apple store today… really is making me consider, again, converting to an Apple…
oh, btw, Bluey’s “spine” pretty thoroughly broke today, so it can no longer hold up it’s beautiful 15” UXGA screen on its own. it folds almost all the way back (i’m certain if it continues to do so, the remaining holding plastic will also break and the monitor will be completely broken from the computer, which is really no good in laptop world), and otherwise would slam shut if leaning foward.. it can’t hold itself up at all. so sad. just happened kind of randomly today. it’s been weak for like a year now… after a certain angle, the monitor would just fall backwards. but it could still hold itself mostly up at the time. not anymore. :-/
i’ll have to figure something to deal with this tomorrow. quite urgent.
this was in an email forward to me from Alberto ... i don’t know how long this email has been circulating and maybe everyone’s already seen it, but it was too cute to not post: