27 June 2008 Friday
Playlist 6/27/2008
Charlotte Martin – On Your Shore
Alegria – Larrama [link]
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the the universe.
I guess I only knew one angle of your face..
I bared my throat and my wrists, then you come at me with this.
spent all of my life emptied of anthems, bracing for something that never did come
...Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Charlotte Martin – On Your Shore
Alegria – Larrama [link]
Bookmarks for myself, if no one else. I haven’t been in Yellow Springs yet since… spring 2003? :-/
This makes me really, really, really happy.
Big screen on Vimeo: Where the Hell is Matt? 2008
Also Ferrydusted in 2006
Nightmares of big scary evil things are bad enough but a nightmare in which God is evil and standing before me…. Unspeakably horrifying..
Logos, I am not pleased. If you would write me a letter or send me an email with your grievances, then I could address them and we could live in harmony, rather than you pulling these ridiculous temper tantrums without warning and seemingly no cause, and then I have to trial and error everything to fix and don’t even know to begin with what set you off. Be reasonable!
4 friend requests1 friend detail request12 group invitations7 (lil) green patch requests1 washington capitals invitation36 friends for sale invitations1 pillow fight request7 knighthood invitations4 scramble invitations2 own your friends invitations12 buy your friends invitations1 mafia wars invitation1 wrestling invitation
I really like this one.
Don’t forget to hover the graphic for the image alt xkcd-style.
Interesting week. ..“interesting” used liberally, but not sarcastically. Mostly really good, some a bit weird or frustrating.. Last night went home after work, having postponed an appointment and skipped a great happy hour event, to work on a project I was given (really last minute, R!) that really needed and deserved polishing before going to printer. Get home late from work, several unusual interruptions, and Illustrator balking at simple 3D rendering even though Logos has more memory than Windows knows what to do with. But I’m trying to chug through, though the going is slow, and I’m feeling frustrated mostly because I know others are waiting on me since this thing goes to print in morning.. So, since the universe decides it would be so very helpful or something, the power goes out all of a sudden. No storm, nothing. All the lights are out, the neighborhood is completely dark.. It’s kind of funny, and mostly ridiculous. The past few weeks there have been powerful storms and coworkers have all been telling me how they were without power for a while.. but it never hurt our neighborhood. Power never went out for more than a blink, just once.. But now, on a clear, beautiful night when I actually need to be up and using my computer and also need to be taking a shower at some point later that night (though this was prolly around 1am already, I spose..) the power goes ::poof:: and doesn’t come back. … Oy.
Move a single digit to make that equation true.
(The minus and the equal signs are unmovable.)
Reunion’s this weekend.
An inclination toward hope
Welcome, Antioch College alumni. It’s good to have you back in the village.
Over the past year, you’ve been, to many of us, models of courage, persistence and integrity. You’ve shown us how to think big ? very big. You inspire us with how much you want to save your college and how you don’t take no for an answer. Your deep love for Antioch College has helped us love it more. In an age of cynicism, you unabashedly care; in a climate of secrecy, you engage with honesty and directness. You have shown that the best case for saving Antioch College is that Antioch creates people like you.