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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“it’s not a superiority complex. it’s a matter of fact.”


Playlist pieces

Even though there’s no way in knowing where to go,
promise I’m going.
...But the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair
...I can’t ask you to give what you already gave.


You’ve come far and though you’re far from the end,
you don’t mind where you are, cuz you know where you’ve been.


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

23 May 2007 Wednesday


slated in mood, mused at 9:56 pm

10 May 2007 Thursday

what you mean

slated in mused, prose/poetry at 5:36 pm

time :: canvas

slated in moments, mood at 9:52 am

it’s late. I’m overdue for bed.

18 April 2007 Wednesday

It's not okay.

slated in mainstream, molehills at 5:03 pm

I don’t know where to begin.

Washington Post: Student Wrote About Death and Spoke in Whispers, But No One Imagined What Cho Seung Hui Would Do

Flags are at half-mast today.

12 March 2007 Monday

Playlist 02/21/2007, 03/12/2007

slated in playlists at 8:30 pm

Taylor Hicks – The Runaround

Dawn Landes – Mud & Stars
Katie Melua & Jamie Cullum – Love Cats
Rocco DeLuca & The Burden – Colourful

06 March 2007 Tuesday

slated in mused at 7:29 pm

I don’t feel much like being productive today, but I have been/am. I’m getting my work done despite myself, playing with six different highlighter colors on pages before they hit the computer.. Josh Ritter’s been playing in my headphones past few hours.. it’s almost been a fun morning.

05 March 2007 Monday

Playlist 03/03/2007 - 03/04

slated in playlists at 1:39 am

Already in earlier playlists, but nonetheless currently much playing in head and winamp..:

Mat Kearney – All I Need
Rob Giles – Broken People
William FitzsimmonsPassion Play

16 February 2007 Friday

Playlist 02/15/2007

slated in playlists at 6:53 am

Peter MulveyOut Here, November [listen]

09 February 2007 Friday

Playlist 02/07/2007 -02/08

slated in playlists at 5:14 am

Alexi MurdochOrange Sky

31 January 2007 Wednesday

Software friends

slated in consumed, moments at 4:12 pm

My best friends at the office: Pandora and firefox extension for Last.fm.
I tried to use PandoraFM but workplace internet blocks it.

Other software note: Multiplicity is very excellent app to allow control over multiple computers (each with their own monitor) with one keyboard/mouse. This is fantastic…if only my laptop would stop shutting down every couple minutes (haven’t been able to take it in for service, yet.)

Also, Launchy, which can be trained to act much like Spotlight, and anyway is an excellent (and open-source) launching app. I wish it allowed command-line commands or full-path calls, but aside from those missing features, it’s quite perfect. Definitely most useful to me at home than work, but quite pleasing at work as well.

Everything is safely stored in the Archives