Got home a lil while ago. I hadn’t wanted to go, but Michigan turned out to be really quite good without big upsetnesses (besides despicable airport security)..
and i got to very briefly and unexpectedly see one good friend i haven’t seen in a few years and got to also unexpectedly spend a little time with another very dear friend i’ve also not seen in a good year or so… more of that in my own pages…
maybe more about the trip and its purpose itself a bit later… or perhaps elsewhere… meanwhile, there’s still work in the morning.
hey….p.s. happy [Monday the] 13th
computer moved downstairs because overheats even in winter and now it’s pretty summer and my room is warmest and so much heat is badness.
will be in michigan for the weekend… family trip.. leave 4am friday til late late on sunday… so will have to switch my medium to paper for the while..
was a pretty day out today… but seems to have turned over to rain… rain’s not hear yet, but pretty dark clouds over.
should pack soon.
neighbors selling their house. i’m going to miss them. really. not that i’ve been any good about keeping in touch with them.. but such is my record in general recent years. all pretty traceable..
watson sent me [a video of] a spider eating a mouse. that’s not nice at all. but he also sent the mouse eating the cracker. that was damn cute.
alberto’s a whiny morning person. *whine whine whine whine* in a cute way though.
gotta pack gotta pack.
slated in
days at 5:57 am
How the heck did it get to be your birthday without my knowing? I still don’t really believe it.. but I trust your word on it..
Not quite sure what to say in tribute to you. I like you heaps, and would not be opposed to hanging with you a tad more often. Very glad you are well, though.. And ageing so nicely. And pulling off the pink shirt with grace. — Manly grace, of course.
Happy birthday, you. ‘See you (well) before the next one.
Abra came back alive! I had ultimately never let him go to the earth, but for some reason put him back in the bowl i guess… refilled warmish water… and later, surprised to find that he was swimming and well again, and must not have been completely dead from the start!
i think before that:
what the heck!? it’s after 6pm
i thought it was like 1:30pm… 3:30pm at the latest…. ugh!!
and dinner appointment tonight…
maybe i can get something done after tutoring tomorrow…
*sigh* at least finances reorganized and online banking all caught up today.
house guests are back from beach.
Abra died today..
perhaps in sacrifice so that Bluey may live
for it seems that Bluey the car may indeed live…
doctor found that age/wear/tear had corrupted radiator tubes… there was one big shiny hole which would account for the 0 coolant..
of course oil was dirtyness… poor Bluey’s not had medical attention in some 6 months — though at the time it was a very thorough examination.
also, doctor found a nail clean through Bluey’s left hind paw. that’s been patched now.. but goodness knows how long Bluey was bravely limping along the highway, 50 miles roundtrip to workplace at least four days a week.
well, operation will be performed on radiator tubes and such, and then i will pay fee and take Bluey home for resting.
and i survived the dentist too.
Well-known truth that some of the very worst things you can do to a relationship include: moving, buying a new house, rennovating, building, etc..
Bluey the car died (got terribly terribly sick) today on way home from work.
and the world spins round.
Heh. I didn’t know there was a Malaysian Idol show. Surprised, I am not.
In an interview, one of the judges said “the 2nd season [of Malaysian Idol] will attract more contestants because they saw how Malaysian Idol changed some peoples lives”. Yea. For the worse. Carrie Underwood gets a recording contract which will garuntee CD sales of at least a million copies, a red hot convertable and a personal freakin JET to take her anywhere she damn well pleases! Lets see what the winner of Malaysian Idol got. Congratulations Jaclyn Victor! We’re giving you a one way ticket to go sing in Jakarta! Hooray! Of course you get a recording contract too, but whos gonna buy your CD with piracy here as rampant as marsupials with rabies? Oh, and heres a piece of gum. You can thank us for changing your life later.
Lets face it. Malaysians are not cut out to entertain. I say lets just leave the entertaining to the Americans and concentrate at what we do best: Palm oil exporting.