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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

05 June 2005 Sunday

Fish realive and other magics

slated in dreams at 4:27 pm

Abra came back alive! I had ultimately never let him go to the earth, but for some reason put him back in the bowl i guess… refilled warmish water… and later, surprised to find that he was swimming and well again, and must not have been completely dead from the start!

i think before that:

much other dreaming also… something to do with little children… and later with a few kittens—one that at first look like a grey siamese with blue globe/blind eyes.. but meanwhile, the young children… and the trees… trees that looked kind of like giant versions of what would just be branches normally… like big white curled/twisted branches rolled up like cinnamon buns… and one thick one that looked a bit like bougenvilla sprigs.. trees symbolized/predicted something..

and i think before that:

also we were in a crisis of some sort… and i guess i was key in leading and holding up the defenses/offenses.. a few people on our side were being difficult for me… trying to claim i wasn’t handling things well or something or other… i pulled one aside and talked very earnestly to them: that if they were sincere in believing i was handling things badly, then i really would take that seriously and give it attention.. but if it was being done out of some other spite for me, then please consider the gravity of our current situation and allow me to do my work properly and attack me afterward if necessary, please. they conceded. they left me alone. i think we were in a library of some sort at the time.. i vaguely remember big bookshelves or narrow corridors of that sort…
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