12 September 2006 Tuesday
Tim Ryan sums the current administration:
What looks like a cloud to one person is a chance to sell umbrellas to the next.
First the thought and then the act
To think a plant up towards the sun
It can’t be done, it can’t be done
Sam and Libby, Lib and Sam
Made a little one of them
A baby’s born a man to die
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
José Gonzalez – Deadweight on Velveteen, Heartbeats, Slow Moves
Mike Doughty – Looking at the World from the Bottom of a Well, Unsingable Name, I hear the Bells, Your Misfortune
Great Lake Swimmers – Various Stages
Matt Pond PA – So Much Trouble, It Is Safe
Sylvie Lewis – By Heart
Arthur Yoria – Here to Stay
Engineers – How Do You Say Goodbye?
Ashton Allen – Dewdrops
Eastmountainsouth – On Your Way
I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody’s Business – So I Finally Decided to Give Myself a Reason
It’s a really nice house.
It’s in Katon!! :)
(Canton! Ryuuka no Jutsu.. sorry.. it’s really what I thought of when I first saw the sign.)
The real truth is that I don’t want to yet.
There’s an explicit difference between [initially] intending to do something, and actually trying to do it.