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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Playlist pieces

we’re all taking the same steps.. they’re foolish now.

We’ve been had.. you say it’s over. Sometimes I’m just happy I’m older.
...Somehow it got easy to laugh out loud.


pray for me ‘cause I’m going back for more


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

08 June 2004 Tuesday

Over The First Hurdle

slated in site-building at 11:09 am

Well, at least that shouldn’t ever be that hard ever again. I’m sure most of it was my fault.. and if this is all running properly at this point, then it is all much more than worth the trouble, anyway.

This marks my first experience with Textpattern, installed on the new Textdrive, both of which I intend to be utilizing a whole lot in the next few months/years. A note of great appreciation for the recent (and continuing, please! I’m counting on you guys) help from members of the Textdrive Forum, with a particular note of thanks to Damelon who walked me through the final stretch of this first set up (where there was blankness, now there is Textness).

Some important hurdles passed, and now only all the rest ahead. I’ll be around. :)

(and here’s an explanation of that first post: lipsum)

p.s. hosting is good. ;)

First Post

slated in site-building at 1:38 am

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec rutrum est eu mauris. In volutpat blandit felis. Suspendisse eget pede. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Quisque sed arcu. Aenean purus nulla, condimentum ac, pretium at, commodo sit amet, turpis. Aenean lacus. Ut in justo. Ut viverra dui vel ante. Duis imperdiet porttitor mi. Maecenas at lectus eu justo porta tempus. Cras fermentum ligula non purus. Duis id orci non magna rutrum bibendum. Mauris tincidunt, massa in rhoncus consectetuer, lectus dui ornare enim, ut egestas ipsum purus id urna. Vestibulum volutpat porttitor metus. Donec congue vehicula ante.

06 June 2004 Sunday

picking up and moving on

slated in site-building at 2:54 pm

it looks like rasasayang/this site is going to be moving.. in just about every way…
the present plan is to:

btw, hosting is good. ;) ;)

01 June 2004 Tuesday

how to raise $40,000 in 4 days

slated in as so at 6:07 pm

it’s been (well-)said, so i don’t have to: “TextDrive, or How To Raise $40,000 In 4 Days”: the photodude rendition, by VC115 :) go read it.

final stretch of workday; as it might be, as it is

slated in moments, mused at 4:31 pm

the last hour of work is generally always either the fastest, or the slowest.
my i’m an insightful one today, neh? no..? ..oh..
what am i in the mood for right now?… grapes. that would do it. no grapes here. you know, knowing there are no grapes here is one thing.. but if i were to look around for grapes, and then furthermore find for sure that there are no grapes available to me here, then i’d be quite extra disappointed.

Two words, Mr. President: ‘plausible deniability’.

Today is born TextDrive

slated in as so at 1:12 pm

and TextDrive is up. all the VCs are anxiously awaiting their confirmation emails. meanwhile, they’ve we’ve of course gathered in the new TextDrive Forum. what a cute community :)

bad day..

slated in moments at 9:59 am

internet was pathetic at my house yesterday. i had written a note about how sucky (i don’t love that word one bit) my day was.. but that apparently never got posted. well, continuing on, then… i had the terriblest time trying to sleep… i’m glad my mom was able to call me at several odd intervals of the night though… i was sposed to be woken either by the alarm clock or my brother this morning. neither bothered. i look like i’ve not slept in a week. ‘feel rather like it too. <strong>shrug</strong> @work now. source of supply info to work on for millville project. i’m eating cheerios. byebye.

8:13am~oh. it did post that one. i had kind of thought it did. well it did. i quit anyway.

31 May 2004 Monday

bad day

slated in moments at 11:19 pm

not one of my happier days. <strong>shrug</strong> i’m going to bed now.

30 May 2004 Sunday


slated in mused at 9:19 pm

there’s really a whole lot to be said for simplicity. more and more i think i am running into that truth. my room wouldn’t be a basically unusable mess if i had less stuff; i’d write in my journal if i didn’t have a dozen of them; i’d have already registered all the domain names i intend, if there weren’t so many ways to go about it. quite furthermore, i’d have built this site to be much futher along to where i’d like it to be, if there weren’t so many different ways to do it; CMS’s with which to do it; other sites in mind to build.

i’m suddenly feeling terribly lazy. i want a clean slate on a lot of things… my packrattish nature is not caring overly much today. clear the slate and find the choices and go the worthwhile ways.

i’ve been at this computer screen too much the past few days. i’ve learned a lot and enjoyed a lot; and i’m not done with most of it, even if some was accomplished, and much much more was gleaned. but i need some time away. where’s my head? it’s on this stuff, in a way… it’s on the ideas that grow, particularly when i’m alone.. but they’re ideas that push through with motivation. motivation, for me, has usually always been someone else. i like myself fine, but i don’t terribly need anything from myself. ... so, so many ways to go. and i finished the cookie dough ice cream today.

excellent evan

slated in stuff at 4:30 am

hooray for evan. he’s being a darling and helping me figure how to redraft rasasayang.net in pure css columns, rather than the tables its currently in. thank you to evan for the help thus far… and i’m pretty sure you realize i’ll be asking more questions in the future. you know what they say about giving a mouse a cookie… :)
but it’s really very appreciated and maybe my good graces won’t be such a bad place to be.
i wish i were a linux king/queen too. :-/

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