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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“I hope you’re having a good day. If you’re having a bad day, change your mind and have a good day.”

Playlist pieces

History repeats itself, doesn’t really mean we learn. …
We belong on top of the world.


‘See those stars shining in your eyes, I know…I got to keep them there.


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

11 November 2004 Thursday

f the south and red vs blue population map

slated in stuff at 8:10 pm

received via email:

this is harsh: ‘Fuck the South’—a rant
more than else, i’ll be interested to hear the direct rebuttal… which i’m sure will come.

this is cool: ‘Red vs. Blue’—a map of population centers

Lxxxx: “That’s really cool. It goes to show that smart, enlightened people tend to herd together…..someone should do a study on that.”

slated in stuff at 8:00 am

“the boomers all gave up and went to law school….if apathy defines my generation, yours is defined by disappointing us until we don’t see the point anymore.” ~ the cool guy said to Grace in ‘Jack and Bobby’ last week

as per request.


Happy Birthday dear Tarsia o^_^o

slated in days at 7:43 am

Okay.. well… seeing as how I’ve not conversed with Tarsia in probably several years… If she ever reads this it will probably be a fair while from now.. at least until after i’ve located her mailing address (that would be snail-mail… does that still operate?) and got ahold of her..

it’s been… probably something like 15 years since i’ve seen Tarsia… she moved away with her family and i couldn’t believe she could be okay with leaving, and then i moved away with my family and i understood.

this will be brief… i’ll owe you a longer letter anyway, Tarsia..
I know you must be well whereever you are, because you were always a shining person. always. and one of my favorite people in the world. i hope you’ve had a beautiful birthday today, whether you’re still in Germany or elsewhere, and whatever you’re doing and whomever you’re with. I do still think of you and I’m looking forward to seeing again you someday… the two of us grown and growing up.

happy birthday.


10 November 2004 Wednesday

It's been a good day

slated in moments at 5:02 am

Just a word about my day..

It’s been a good day.
There was traffic this morning.
But none this afternoon.
It was chilly all through the day, but the sun shone clearly and the sky was beautiful.
I missed my computer much of the day (yes yes, I’m a dork… how else to work on related projects, though?), but my notebook was with me so ideas still flowed and were written and I was happy (yes yes, I’m a dork—but a happy one!)
When I was called down to dinner, I got up quickly after sitting still , intently focused so long, and I subsequently pulled something in my leg as I ran down the hall.
But I made it to the table and dinner smelled delicious.
I realized that my fingers were numb at one point, while sitting at the dinner table (because my house is that cold!), but the garlic shrimp my dad cooked was thoroughly yummy.
My mother seems happy and my brother’s hair is starting to grow back to decency.
I spent time with good strangers, came home to my family, spoke with some of the best people I know and love, sang loudly to excellent music in my car, ate satisfying food, learned something new or two, and will sleep cozily in my bed with five blankets.

And my fish are well.

It’s been a good day.

*edit: I also just upgraded to Firefox 1.0 final and Thunderbird 0.9. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that :)

09 November 2004 Tuesday

Happy Birthday darling Yan o^_^o

slated in days at 6:37 am

It’s been some 10 years of knowing you now, hasn’t it… wow.
For all of that, and for living so near each other (you do still live there, right?) we don’t spend nearly enough time with each other. But that’s most always been true, although a bit regretful.. I do hope you had a beautiful today, Yan… this message comes slightly late in the day, but you know you were not forgotten… and I know you were spending the evening happily and comfortably.. and that’s exactly what I would want for you on your birthday and everyday.

I’ll be talking to you soon… I was very glad to hear you well :)


08 November 2004 Monday

slated in mainstream at 3:25 am

A beautiful post. I would have named this one something like ‘Values vs. Ideals’, but I trust the author knows better. Do read this one.

Blue states to Reds

slated in mainstream at 2:01 am

Read this article at theregister.co.uk by the New Democrat Outreach Program, published Sunday 7th November 2004. Blue states to Reds. [referred by a gentleman in ‘the forums’]

We Blues will come out of the Bush era no worse for wear, although you Reds will come out very much diminished, deeper in debt, and less able to improve your circumstances by your own powers.

It really is rather sneering and harsh, but I can live with that.

07 November 2004 Sunday

Luray Caverns visit

slated in scenery, moments at 11:02 pm

Alberto and I went to Luray Caverns yesterday, in Shenandoah, Virginia. While the drive there was littered with offensive signs, it was altogether a very pleasant drive with perfect weather, beautiful scenery, wonderful soundtrack and the best of company.

Luray Caverns: on the drive over
Driving through Red country on the way to Luray
Luray Caverns: The Old Man formation
The Old Man formation
Luray Caverns - Stalactites and Stalagmites
Stalactites and Stalagmites
Luray Caverns: Calcium Carbonate dripstone Stalactites
Calcium Carbonate dripstone Stalactites
Luray Caverns: Wishing Well
Wishing Well
Luray Caverns: The Drapery formations
The Drapery formations

The stalactites and stalagmites in the caverns were quite beautiful, and it is staggering to see the sizes and shapes of the formations and consider that it took 120 years for each cubic inch of dripstone to form.

Certainly for myself, one of the neatest things about Luray Caverns is to know that it’s been a tourist attraction for over 120 years (I guess some new cubic inches of dripstone must have formed in that time).. Somehow, thinking of masses of tourists and crowds wearing walking through the caves over a hundred years ago, just as we did yesterday, is beautiful.

The wishing well in the cave is a very cute feature… Apparently they collect thousands of dollars in coins from wishers each year, and I believe those donations go toward the preservation of the Caverns, and also towards other charities.

There’s also the ‘Great Stalacpipe Organ’, which is apparently the largest ‘natural’ organ in the world. The sound of it, made by gently tapping various stalactites. Honestly, I’ve never been fond of organ music, but the sounds from the Stalacpipe Organ are really beautiful.. quite chime-like.

It was a beautiful, beautiful day. On a side note, go watch The Incredibles. Pixar can do no wrong.

Bunny hears Ohio and map

slated in stuff at 10:11 pm

Bunny 03 Nov 04

Awesome little bunny.

also see Red America, Blue America map. ..*edit: this one goes directly to all the maps

06 November 2004 Saturday

Happy Birthday dearest Kimley o^_^o

slated in days at 7:53 pm

bigs hugs are being sent across the world and down under, your way; ‘hope you receive them.. they’re actually on loan.. i expect them back the next time we’re both in malaysia.. which should be within a few months, missy. don’t think an excuse like, “oh. i have to be in europe to visit some hot boyfriend” is going to cut it. exams should be over for you soon, neh? that means more time to write to Ali! :)

at any rate, here’s wishing a very happy birthday to my dearest cousin Kimley.. one of the sweetest, brightest, bestest of people on this planet. and a Chong, no less.


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