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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

15 April 2004 Thursday

WordPress on the brain

slated in site-building, consumed at 9:45 pm

i wasn’t going to spend my time on this today.. i really wasn’t.

i’ve been delving into a comparison of WordPress and MovableType.

where i’m beginning my “Word Press versus Movable Type” considerations from, are thus:

  • this (rasasayang.net my first experience with blogging.

  • as of this date, i’ve not yet opened this site to the public. only one other person has current access, and no more than five pairs of eyes have ever been “inrasasayang.net

  • wordpress looks to be very clean and promising. it’s thoroughly picking up what it’s learned from established web publishing engines-the arguably best of them being movabletype-and integrating into their standard programming what used to be available only as plugins / tweaks / hacks to MT, etc.

  • i haven’t even really looked at the so many other blog publishing engines that are out there. but WP gets rave reviews, and it could (maybe?) be a bit simpler and more organized than MT, if for no other reason than it is new and clean.

  • my number one issue / concern and biggest hesitation about moving over to a different blogging engine, is that it might not continue on its promising path. MT is very tried and very true. WP looks very true, and many people are now trying it… but it might not stay. its founders / maintainers / etc. may lose interest for their own reasons, and the WP community may or may not save it.

  • i have been waiting-anxiously, even-for MT 3.0 to make its debut. i’d even be half satisfied with an estimated (of course you can’t necessarily be sure exactly when a coding / program / project will be done) date of release, and especially a list of new features that will be in it. i like the MT community. i do. and if i could really learn how to properly use css to thoroughly code this page (must figure out how to do the three column format and stuff… so far, i think i’ve been doing a fairly creative job with tables..and trying to be as minimal about that as my limited expertise / exerience allows), then i guess i would suffer through the rebuild times and keep with MT.

  • i am a lil concerned that since TypePad is SixApart’s priority over MT (fairly reasonably.. it’s paid—MT is free), and that might make future improvements / fixes to MT slow and such. if they do make big changes, it’ll be within TypePad and not MT. so all reliance really would fall to the MT community, and the existing and developing plugins and hacks and such things. what if WP really does develop a community with staying-power, and does turn out to be sustainable and reliable and dynamic? i’d be thrilled, and probably even more hordes of us would migrate from MT to WP.

  • i’m kind of leaning toward trying WP. but hopefully i won’t do it super soon, simply because i shouldn’t be spending so much time here these days anyway! but i want to be able to clean this site up, and make it what i’d like it to be and be comfortable that i can keep building to it without having to readjust the whole thing after moving it someplace else.

i’ll probably note more on this matter later. it might be simply to say, “i’ve decided to stay here (with MT) for a while yet…” ..but it might be to say, “check it, i’m moving!” i wonder, after that pending post, how many years will pass before i open up public access to this site?

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