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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

The world doesn’t go away just because you want it to.

Playlist pieces

let it end in flames—let it burn all the way down.


Everything I used to be came raining down on top of me..
I wait too long for you to come home


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

08 March 2011 Tuesday

Editable and fixed content emails

slated in consumed, as it should be at 7:20 pm

Editable emails (EMs or EEMs?) would behave like those in the Google Wave platform: individuals can edit within one post or add to the thread in separate posts; changes/revision history and prior snapshots(versions) are all viewable and accessible.

Fixed content emails (FCEs?) would be like PDFs but applying directly to the email rather than an attached file: the content and format would not be editable by recipients.

Editable emails should be the universal standard (eventually the name “editable” would naturally be dropped since most all emails would be this way), allowing for consolidation of mails, better tracking, saving space (that will eventually be a valued commodity, like paper and trees — even though memory will be increasingly accessible and occupy smaller spaces and resources, the most efficient and concise usage and applications of that memory/space will become a natural priority), and especially improved and encouraged collaboration, and much more dynamic communication/interaction.

09 February 2011 Wednesday

Playlist 01/09 - 02/09/2011

slated in playlists at 9:25 pm

Gomez – Charley Patton Songs
The NavigatorsOne Line Epitaph
Kina Grannis – Valentine
Kina Grannis – Strong Enough
Noah and the Whale – L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.
Josh RitterTokyo!
Josh RitterLantern

slated in stuff at 6:29 am

Coolio. Just added the new remix of a song just newly added to my computer and winamp; had opened winamp just to listen to it. Immediately following, shuffle (my playlist is 99% of the time on shuffle) jumped right to the unremixed, original version of the song. <3

Quote from the song: “Nothing that is hidden will be revealed…”

The next song on shuffle had nothing to do with either artist or song.. (but a good song anyway). But what were the chances of that sequence — with a non-smart, simple shuffle on, a brand new file just added to the end of an otherwise largely-alphabetical playlist of 1,520 tracks, and the artist’s name right in the middle of the alphabet.. ?

06 February 2011 Sunday

slated in journal at 12:21 pm

It’s late. About the right time for a ramble, and it’s a been a while here since..

Wrestling with Chrome

slated in consumed at 10:52 am

Chrome had been working beautiful for a long while, and then started hanging on page loads.. Still obviously lighter and faster to open than Firefox (of which I still use regularly and am a fan, but it’s definitely much heavier), but my (any) web pages were inconsistently —but with increasing regularity— loading very very slowly, if not simply loading indefinitely and never giving me my pages.

I tried disabling and uninstalling extensions. I tried upgrading and manually upgrading and uninstalling chrome and reinstalling.

I tried all sorts of Google searches:

  • chrome load pages OR tabs slow
  • chrome pages OR tabs load indefinitely
  • chrome webpages not loading

The answer is actually very helpfully (though one would think Google would have come through here) in Chrome’s own "built-in" Help menu

The incognito test worked well for me, and clearing cache seems to have done the trick. Yay. Happy to have chrome back; life moves a bit faster.

Also a shoutout to Xmarks while I’m here (I’m just getting to know you, but you seem awesome).

And re: Chrome’s new Apps implementation… I think you’re splendid, but confusing and stupid as all hell with the non-differentiating between WebApps to install in Chrome/on your desktop, and WebApps accessible simply through a website. You want to market and promote them in one central location, fine, but make it clear if I’m hopping to a URL and don’t trick me into “installing” something that is complete and perfectly accessible via a link. If I want the link in my “Apps” listing I can opt that myself thank you.

Back to work.

24 January 2011 Monday

Essential and Favorite Android Apps

slated in consumed at 10:14 am

Many more worth mentioning, but these are my very favorites/don’t-know-how-I-ever-lived-without-and-I-don’t-know-how-or-why-you’d-do-it-now apps and games; list retrieved from AppBrain.

30 total in this list, 25 free, 5 paid, 39MB total size, $16.63 total cost

View this Android app list on AppBrain

22 October 2010 Friday

Gadgets a-plenty

slated in consumed at 6:38 pm

Waiting for a new (computer/electronic) product to be released is painful.

17 October 2010 Sunday

A little more than we think.

slated in moments at 8:56 pm

rice soup
October September
Epic Mickey
Do A Deer

27 September 2010 Monday

Playlist 09/26/2010 - 10/2010

slated in playlists at 2:46 am

Sound of Music soundtrack
Goat – Sugar, We’re Going Down
Step Up soundtracks

21 September 2010 Tuesday

slated in stuff at 5:09 pm

I think I’ve trained myself to say “certainly” now rather than “sure”.. now working on saying “you’re welcome” rather than “thank you

Everything is safely stored in the Archives