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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

22 December 2011 Thursday


slated in dreams at 6:05 pm

Experienced the cartoons flashing thing again.. it’s like an overlay.. same clear with eyes open… each picture detailed and clear but all too chaotic and fast and sort of unreal to focus upon and interpret nor remember. Not such odd/weird cartoon characters this time… almost a little bit ancient/abstract. This was shortly after a nightmare — something to do with vampires.

* I thought I had written about the cartoons flashing overlay thing a few months ago, but I can’t find record of it… last time was weird oldtime/new-fangled-grotesque style cartoon characters, playing out short scenes… there’s color and all.. but they’re not the kind of cartoons I watch nor find attractive/interesting/anything, so was particularly weird to have them (so many.. constant stream) flashing across my vision, eyes closed or open (in the dark — I think I may have tried turning on my light last time.. maybe? to see if they were still there… they were still there.. just a bit more faded, of course cuz lights on.. I think). I mean to look up this phenomenon online— I’m sure it’s well-known in its field— but no time at this moment.

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