18 May 2006 Thursday
not quite like Angel
vampires, I think…
and a vampire baby who could be called out of protective dimension to be protected from bad guys kept coming to house after baby. strange. several other things but forgotten
“When you stop drinking, you have to deal with this marvelous personality that started you drinking in the first place.”
If I didn’t believe in you, I couldn’t have stood before all of our friends and said This, this is the life I choose; this is the part I can’t bear to lose; trip us or trap us but we refuse to fall.
...Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
vampires, I think…
and a vampire baby who could be called out of protective dimension to be protected from bad guys kept coming to house after baby. strange. several other things but forgotten
teacher had used invisible ink on all our papes… grading of each other’s classmates’ papers. Thought I happened to have a compatible pen, but not. Teacher had limited, so I picked a rock to sit on and waited. When I woke up (on the rock), they had all left.. moved on to the next segment of the field trip I guess. So I got on the trail and looked for them. Hit several spots.. crossed paths with many other tourists.. Ended up in one large exhibit center in which I entered a room where they were explaining how there was a point in time (early aviation? certain period in history?) where people could buy plane seats for their pets (a separate compartment in plane…), and it was two pets to a seat… There was a big display of them… various dogs (maybe cats too? I only remember dogs) all in the seats, mostly two to a seat.. And I was in that room for a bit with their explanation.. I don’t remember much else.
it’s like a flu bug or something.. just kinda goes around I guess. well, now there’s a break in ferrydust.. the latter 40% of the frontpage html was obliterated, and about 95% of the main css file is also gone for good. fantastic. I’ve rebult as much as possible from old (very old) backups, and manually piecing it back.. but a number of things are sure to be out of place for a while. maybe a really long while. seems fitting, though has put me in a fouler mood.
full size: Alex and Amy Twinkle Little Star
And the whole world smiles with him.
one more Alex video: Alex on the table, with Amy
A bit offhandedly, I’ve come up with five ways, simplistically and essentially, to handle most any problem:
A) ignore it and wait for it to go away on its own
B) confront it and deal with it til solved
C) put it off until a good time
D) give up and walk away
E) seek help, which will ultimately point to one of the above options by advised action or default
Sleeping would be such a welcome change of pace right now.
And now that I’ve opened up this entry and sat here with my thoughts long enough, maybe—maybe—I’m just tired enough to become unconscious in my bed til at least my usual 6-7am unsolicited wake-up time.
As of early May 2006, a search in Google for happy dumpling turns up this website as result ~10. Yay. :) ?
yay! Google calendar is available now.
of all days to leave my spiral calendar at home…
i’ll play this eve… or after taxes are done.
... added: 11:27am~ first day = popular and busy = slow
calendar program’s moving really slow. must be serious server load from everyone jumping on it for the first time.. and probably increasingly throughout the day. google’s usually good about beating this by staggering access to their new programs. usually they overcompensate for everything. seemingly not on this one..
...really slow. changes are seemingly not taking effect, and then some (not all) are suddenly showing up several minutes later.
not really surprising or corrigible, considering the circumstances: certain unbelievable server load due to overwhleming interest in the new application. but i am still a lil surprised that Google, so good at overcomping for most everything, did not have checks in place or crazy server capacity already installed.
... added: 2:21pm~ Google apps
the new Google Calendar applciation is pretty thorough.. what I’d expect from a google app.. normally fast (I trust), colorful (i’d prefer more color options though. I could so run out of the existing ones. and maybe icons would make good markers. surely that’s in the works), and pretty easily editable. can’t get a thorough feel for it until the server/system is working optimally. but I’m confident that Gcalendar and I will be good friends.
Unrelated to the calendar, the ONE thing I can think of in which Google has ever failed me and thoroughly disappointed me is that they built a lovely instant messaging client (Google Talk) to integrate into their lovely existing web-based email (Gmail), and they even finally added conversation logging that tied the two apps together seamlessly, BUT it still remains that when I use the Gtalk app to send a message to a friend who is offline, it sends me a lousy “User is offline; didn’t receive your message” response, rather than simply offering up the quick option to automatically send messages to their gmail/email (without opening up a browser window or email client). ICQ figured out offline instant messaging logging YEARS ago when all of this was pretty new. how come everyone else, including Google, is so slow to get with it?