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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

I discovered at a very early age that if I talk long enough then I can make anything right or wrong. So, either I’m God, or truth is relative. And in either case: Booyah.

Playlist pieces

I don’t need you to keep my faith alive


I’ve had enough and I’m ready to forget the reasons keeping me here.


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

09 November 2006 Thursday

A little (really not little) rant about (LCD) monitors

And the VTBook graphics card adapter works

slated in consumed at 2:24 am

A couple of weeks ago, a friend was looking at getting a new monitor, which prompted me to look at monitors for myself too…
Sylvia, my 20” Samsung Syncmaster 204t has been absolutely fantastic, but the built-in screen on Danium, my Toshiba Satellite M40 (otherwise a fine machine) is very, very dim especially compared to Sylvia, and bringing up the brightness reasonably to the level I currently have it at, not only remains unpreferably dim, but also washes out the colors.
So while the additional screen space is great and I can keep my menu bar and winamp and a couple other things sitting over there most of the time, it still doesn’t feel like enough, with Sylvia handling all the look-at-worthy stuff all on one screen.

07 November 2006 Tuesday

slated in moments at 5:38 pm

Textpattern Resources version 2 launched last night. Voted today in the old neighborhood. Ran into a good old friend. Good Indian food for lunch. Was surprised by the rain, though it was light. And just found out my friends are going to be parents. Gracious. (and is that not the awesomest website ever? awwwwww)

06 November 2006 Monday

Playlist 10/26/2006 - 11/2

slated in playlists at 10:43 pm

Something CorporateWhen It Goes Down
Peter and the Wolf – The Fall
Coldplay – Ladder to the Sun

04 November 2006 Saturday

slated in moments, mood at 2:42 am

Sleeping between 8-11:30am “at night” and odd hours the night before really doesn’t make for a happy, clear head..
So I’m taxing myself out a bit much.. and find that I’ll need to tax almost a bit more this weekend.

I had cream of mushroom soup today. That was good…though not quite as good as I remember as a child.

There’s a birthday party I’m missing tonight. I really wish I weren’t… But I couldn’t be able to

02 November 2006 Thursday

Happy birthday Tim o^_^o

slated in days at 10:10 pm

Hard to believe I’ve known you ~fourteen years..
.. running to the schoolbus, getting hit with an umbrella, destorying you in Eternal Champions and Mortal Kombat, ...and pingpong.. Getting killed in HORSE (why’s it called horse, anyway?), house hunting, and many, many things inbetween.
hmmm. wonder what fourteen years from now will look like, and the memories kept by then…
I have some pretty witty glib comments I want to make, but… I’m going to be good and not.
Happy birthday Tim :) ...holy @&&%$* is today Thursday!?

01 November 2006 Wednesday

slated in moments at 6:14 pm

Hmm… I am clearly out of it today.

(I wonder where I am…)

slated in dreams at 2:57 pm

lots of dreaming, but the part I remember/focused on remembering were my cousins.. ‘little’ ones… except there were four instead of three.. three were awake.. the most temperamental one got up later and he wasn’t temperamental.. was showing a friend around the house, and introducing to my cousins.. the house was cool..different from the real one (come to think of it, mixed with other family’s house). wanted to show cousins to other friends too. they may have stopped by later..

slated in mood, moments at 8:53 am

… a few other hundred things also got done, but quite honestly I’m kind of not thinking so usefully at the moment.. won’t make it to 4am again tonight.. I think that’s okay though… should be good to go for tomorrow…. thank goodness for really helpful people, and thank goodness for really good people in general…. even if they unnecessarily freak out or otherwise seemingly keep out of place, they make the world a better place, and I am so glad for them.

31 October 2006 Tuesday

Autumn views

slated in scenery at 6:49 pm

A few of the photos being printed to send to my brother in Cali and grandmother in Florida…
These are all taken at/from our house… pretty incredible view, neh? Beautiful time of year…though it flits by fast.

TRv2 progress sheet

slated in site-building at 5:38 pm
  • 11/01/2006, 1:49am — self-registration is a Go. main archive pages are quite useable. links page in basic form. a few other hundred things also got done, but quite honestly I’m kind of not thinking so usefully at the moment.
Everything is safely stored in the Archives