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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

We can live with dignity; we can’t die with it.

Playlist pieces

“there’s a wall in your heart that no one can get through. and it’s cold and it’s dark and you don’t have a clue. but this wall, it will fall, if it’s the last thing i do. i’ll get through this wall in your heart.”

misread all of the signals that you never sent


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

05 May 2004 Wednesday

how absolute is absolute power?

slated in mused at 9:19 am

...cont’d from ‘divine right’:
i’ve not yet considered the subject much, but here are some shower thoughts on it…

it depends (of course). what does having all the powers of God actually mean? can you tap into all beings’ thoughts? can you change their memories? change their emotions? know all their pasts and intentions? and if you can do all that, you do know essential futures—how many of those can a god hold in mind, i wonder.. <sub>predetermination is a whole other thing to talk/think about</sub>

04 May 2004 Tuesday

why they're numbered

slated in molehills at 10:19 am

“Each act of oppression put off the day a little bit, and further cemented the inevitability of that day.” ~Steinbeck

Like making me make copies. Again. Of that thing that’s over 50 pages, divided into 7 stapled sets, with a dozen tabs sticking out intermittently through it (never mind the manual highlighting made on specific lines throughout the sets).. ...should’ve had me do ten last week rather than two then and two now. Not smart.

totally flat. so sad.

slated in moments at 9:48 am

oh, i didn’t even mention…
yesterday i got a flat tire. got it in the driveway here. it was a nail..went in by the head. they’re thinking it probably came from the roof here when the roofers were working last week. humph. at least it was all successfully taken care of. i had very immediate alertion and then help putting on my spare, from here, and the guy at the Service Tires place was also extremely courteous and good. so it worked out this time.

'divine right'

slated in mused at 9:31 am

who do you love most in this world, or out of it?
who do you trust? who do you completely trust? who do you trust most?
what would you do if you were God, or had all the properties / powers / non-limitations of God?
if you had that absolute power, would you share it?

who is your foremost responsibility to? yourself? the person / people you love? to humanity in general? to the world in general?
with absolute / Godlike power, would you live for yourself—living your life as fully and thoroughly and self-fulfillingly as possible?
would you disregard your powers in the interests of preserving humanity as it is and has been?
would you dedicate your purpose and lifetime (eternity) toward reshaping the humanity and the world / universe in your best concepts of a utopia, or otherwise better existence?

btw.. i can’t imagine Max Faraday in Divine Right (though i’ve not seen or read a word of it yet) can really be omniscient. he should already know the consequences of his actions, then, shouldn’t he? as an entirely omnipotent being, does he still have the mind of a human? cuz he probably shouldn’t..
that’s probably why he’d run into so much conflict, actually. not that there wouldn’t be any, anyways, but having the total mind of a human but all the abilities of something more powerful… well… it’s like having an ant a roach a..cicada that’s the size of a… bus. the havock it would wreak, just doing its own thing, or even doing what it consciously believed was right…
at any rate, he (Max Faraday, or someone with all the powers of God) should have a deeper insight into everything and be able to think in the 10+ dimensions necessary and the infinite+ realities possible that his actions might influence.
at least the world keeps turning without him. that’s good.

would you share power?

would you keep anyone eternally safe?.. —from you?
: cont’d at ‘divine how absolute is absolute power?’...

irises--the other orchid

slated in moments at 8:59 am

blooming flowers are such beautiful and fascinating things…
where there were only leaves—little green shoots in the ground, born from a bulb of dull color and unapparent promise, suddenly seems to one day have grown an impressive stem and the telltale droplet shapes that crowd the top, winking of magnificent iris blooms to come.
i used to love those days.. walking by our garden plots in the drowsy mornings to school, seeing green green green and stems and bulbs with just the shyest lines of color… and upon returning home being greeted by full, new-born stars of royal violet, angel white and blue, rich canary yellow, the prettiest velvet black, and dark periwinkle blues.

cicadas don’t eat irises, do they?

03 May 2004 Monday

work stuff

slated in moments at 11:07 am

working on millville projet. i actually am having fun with this. i want the next piece. but ‘can’t move forward til the other people on the project (who actually know how to do all this) finish their pieces of it.. and one of them won’t be in today and the other has no time to even delegate it. so sad. i want to finish it. i want to send it out.

to remember me

slated in moments, mused at 9:14 am

6:30am is just too early to be sitting at work already, more than twice a week. i’m sooo sleepy. and i’m actually more awake this morning than i’d expect to be. i’ve gotten myself to bed so very late the last two nights.. trying to do several different things.. mom and dad also keeping busy with their very particular projects. work is getting a bit interesting because i’m actually doing the start-to-end of several things now.. truth is, i’ve really not been meeting my potential for a while now. it’s been kind of nice, and kind of guilty. ‘was a time when i would take anything on with confidence that i could reasonably compete with—and probably outshow—anyone on it, no matter their background or mine on the subject. i haven’t really done any such thing in a while. several different reasons i guess.. but i’m starting to get uneasy that i’ll be found out for not meeting the expectations of the world, sooner than later; even though i always know that later, ultimately, the world will owe me more than it even expected to. i wonder how much of a rush i am in, though, or should be. *believer* that, essentially, eventually all things are done and known* so i’ll find me—if i have been any lost, after all. but (when) should i start looking..?

30 April 2004 Friday

logging in

slated in moments, site-building at 11:43 am

last day of this month. it’s been a lil bit of a while since i wrote; thus i drop this note.. ‘just to say i’m well and, while nothing extravagant is presenting itself at present, i’m looking forward pleasantly to every unit of time.

i did give wordpress a try, btw.. first glance says i’d like it more if i knew css better (but that only really has to do with their template). the main thing is that i seem to be used to movabletype, even if i very much still do not feel any sort of fluency in it. but my guess is that i will stay with movable type for a while yet… but if you’re starting out on a new blog, wordpress is very easy to set up, and has much more automation and integration of key blog features than does movable type.

tonight’s going to be a good night.

weather’s looking good..
‘sending over love and best regards to far-away family..
how will this summer play out?

only one lifetime for it all, as far as this consciousness is concerned…

23 April 2004 Friday

moving along / moving on

slated in mused at 2:49 pm

memory is most always clearest by the person who was wronged, rather than the person(s) charged with the wronging.

that in mind or aside, it is a terrible frustration to realize that: a) whatever your hurt stemmed from, the perpetrator does not recall the incident that so terribly impacted you. b) whatever your memory tells you of the thing that caused you pain, it turns out to be, or is alleged to be, false.
it really is a terrible continuance of fundamentally unmendable frustration.
fascinating how you can fall out of being enamored with a person, but still be bound to all the wrongs they caused you. the strife is where the passion collected and remains, at the end, neh?
i wish i understood more. all of it, from the different sides and the stages of growth / movement / interpretation / evolution…

slated in moments at 12:35 pm

today ‘was given the official letter offering me a full time position where i work. —what are three-five more pressing things i should work on / fix / change / add / tweak / polish on this site?

Everything is safely stored in the Archives