06 November 2009 Friday
Happy Birthday Kimley o^_^o
Hello Beautiful. ‘hope you’re showered with hugs and gifts and attention and cheers and cake and song this whole weekend, as you should be always. ::huggles::::::::::::::::::::::
Life’s simple. You make choices and you don’t look back.
“When we get there we’ll discover all of the gifts we’ve been given to share have been with us since life’s beginning and we never noticed they were there. We can balance at the brink of wisdom, never recognizing that we’ve arrived. Loving spirits will live together, we’re all swimming to the other side.”
...Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Hello Beautiful. ‘hope you’re showered with hugs and gifts and attention and cheers and cake and song this whole weekend, as you should be always. ::huggles::::::::::::::::::::::
Hem – Leave Me Here
Pearl & The Beard [amiest]
Finn Brothers – Gentle Hum
Peter Mulvey – Out Here
Guster – Come Downstairs and Say Hello
Terra Naomi – Flesh For Bones
Collective Soul – No More, No Less
Ray LaMontagne – Lesson Learned
Sia – Breathe Me
Dashboard Confessional – Am I Missing
Joseph Arthur – In the Sun
I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned it before, but it remains so: Ray LaMontagne’s Lesson Learned ~= Sia’s Breathe Me (Also, exactly 200 entry IDs apart. Also, Am I missing and In the Sun are exactly 300 apart. If everything matters, then it’s possible that on some mathemagical level this means something.)
Nice things about being friends with girls (as a [hetero] girl):
I’m talkin’ ‘bout blue skies blue skies… what’s the matter matter blue skies…
This mash-up keeps happening in my head.
Also, it’s difficult to play either album without feeling lots of feelings, either happy and excited or sincere and emotional.. Mostly the happy if you’re listening/occasionally singing while driving awesomely with relatively/irrelevantly cooperative traffic.
“The facts were these..”
“Give me the love of an orchestra!!”
“A hundred miles a hundred miles a hundred miles a hundred miles.. you can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles…”
“Without hope or agenda..”
Rosanne Cash – 500 Miles
Joni Mitchell – Both Sides
Okay, Stuff. I like you, but I like creativity and movement and creation and space and organization even better, and you are in my way of those things.
My mommy has really really soft cheeks. I’d probably kiss them a whole lot more if I didn’t think it’d disconcert her.
I’m cheating on J.Crew. I still love the clothes but I’m tired of their deteriorating attitude. I’ve found another brand with which I see a lot of potential for a happy relationship. Shape up, J.Crew; I miss you, but your behavior no longer provides for a sustainable relationship.
Raincoats should have hoods. Outerwear should have pockets. .
Everything is connected. The smallest things affect.
If the smallest things affect the big things, than either the tiniest things matter or nothing does.
“Everything counts a little more than we think.”
“If nothing we do matters, all that matters is what we do.”
Let’s eat pizza and cake.
Love always,
Paper Raincoat
Jack Savoretti
Greg Jong
Patrick Park
Joshua James
Noah and the Whale – Blue Skies
Frightened Rabbit
Imogen Heap – Glittering Clouds
Jack Savoretti – One Man Band
Joshua James – Coal War
Ingrid Michaelson – Soldier
Frightened Rabbit – Backwards Walk
Imogen Heap – First Train Home