02 March 2010 Tuesday
Happy Birthday Alba o^_^o
Very happy birthday to Alba. I hope this year is good to you, particularly, and that you have as many slices of cake, cupcakes, and happy things as you want.
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
Hoy es un día normal pero yo voy a hacerlo intenso
Hoy puede apagarse el sol pero no la luz de mi alma
some things take time; some things, time will take
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Very happy birthday to Alba. I hope this year is good to you, particularly, and that you have as many slices of cake, cupcakes, and happy things as you want.
Janelle Monae – Tightrope
Janelle Monae – Violent Stars Happy Hunting
Outkast – Call the Law (feat. Janelle Monae)
Jack Savoretti – Wonder
Hem – Eveningland
The Rescues – Your Love
Regina Spektor – Eet
Volcano Choir – Island, IS
a llama was involved in an attack on the sideview mirror of the car. I think it chewed it off.
family was in danger.. someone was out to kill all of us.. parents aware.. needed to survive the night (at home?) and then would board a plane or some other mode of transport away the next morning. death threat was serious.
needed to somewhat feign no knowledge of danger.. was going to all sleep under the bed? but that wasn’t going to work (I found even I could barely fit) so I insisted they all sleep on top of the bed together (king-sized bed..) and I would stay awake through the night and keep watch. a friend or two was involved. I was trying to figure a way to position the tv(?) so that I could play Nintendo while facing them without the light of the television disrupting their sleep..
The Wooden Sky – Oh My God (It Still Means a lot to Me)
Josh Ritter – Change of Time
Polly Paulusma – She Moves in Secret Ways
Pearl & the Beard
Noah and the Whale
Frightened Rabbit
Stars – On Peak Hill
Maria Taylor – Cartoons and Forever Plans
Jack Savoretti
My Favorite Highway
Ingrid Michaelson – Are We There Yet
The Paper Raincoat – It All Depends
Ian Axel – This is the New Year
The Nova Echo – Satellite AI
Chinese New Year has always been important in my family.
While even illness was seldom an acceptable excuse for missing school, my mother always kept us home on the day of CNY.
It’s like an all-in-one of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s day, plus a heavy dose of Asian culture and tradition. There’s emphasis on abundance, family, respect and gratitude; there are gifts exchanged, drinks consumed, good wishes cheered, and hopes refreshed for the brand new year.
Between the red envelopes, the tea pouring, and the over-consumption of delicious food, Chinese New Year is about friends and — especially — family. While it’s a huge public event, Chinese New Year is, more importantly, a very private, personal holiday that we share with those we love and trust and wish good things between.
Sam Tsui – Lady Gaga Medley
Britney Spears – Circus
Hailey Wojcik
Jack Savoretti
Jamie Cullum – We Run Things
Noah and the Whale – First Day of Spring album
Nightmare last night. Yet again went to bed much too late so was very very sleepy and that’s when it attacks — the sleepiness makes it difficult to break out of. It’s like knowing you’re sleeping and then trying to wake yourself up, but waking yourself up from the inside out is like focusing your eyes on a “Magic Eye” image, where a picture can be found in a two-dimensional surface if you just focus/unfocus your eyes at the same time in the right way.. I’m quite good at seeing Magic Eye images, but I haven’t quite mastered waking up right at will.
a lot of dreams this past week.
I’ve pretty much fully moved over to my 2010 calendar now, but am still carrying around my 2009 in case I need to refer to something..(though I haven’t really, so far). That will stop soon.
I slept a lot yesterday. Not caught up on sleep/energy cycle yet, though.
My hair’s finally back to the length it was almost a year ago. It’s been months since I had it trimmed, but I may still wait a while before I risk losing 3-5 inches again. But it’s back to a length that finally has me wondering when I’ll chop it all off, again. But then I remember how long it took to grow it out, and how happily warm it keeps me in the cold outside, and indoors in the summer.
In my dream: I was playing basketball in a gym class or something. I don’t think I was paying much attention or feeling particularly involved in the game. But at some point I half-consciously found an opening to act as a pick, but it was sloppy and could have easily (probably should have) been called blocking (penalty against me/my team). But somehow the whistle was called on her and I was not called for blocking. I think she might have fallen or knocked into me in the first place. I’m not sure I was entirely in the right, but it wasn’t entirely obvious either, and had I been a bit more graceful about it it probably would have been a very solid and unarguably legitimate pick. Well I seemed to know who the other girl was, but we weren’t friends at all; just a usual schoolmate. She was quite pretty, I knew her to be a bit outspoken and maybe a bit obnoxious; I knew I didn’t like her very much, but didn’t hate her or feel much of anything about her either. She was not pleased that I was not called for blocking. I was quiet through the whole thing. But then, since I was no longer half-conscious, I found the next opportunity and set up a very solid pick on the point guard who was being covered pretty well by one of my teammates. Other team girl with ball ran into me (in the dream, she saw me, hesitated, but maybe momentum or some other silliness caused her to step forward again anyway and, with me standing right there, she bumped into me and I win. So then we get called off to the side of the gym by the teacher-or-other, and I don’t know if we’re standing about.. I think we’re probably sitting, because I get comfortable and find a spot toward the back to lay down on my back (with my head tilted up to pay attention to teacher). Girl who I initially blocked has followed me to where I’m laying and tells me she’s just going to have to really watch and cover me now (not in a resentful way, but the appreciative tone of a rival who concedes that I pose a challenge. We both know we’re friends now, and she lays down with her head on my chest, and I put an arm around her. We nap/listen to the teacher talk.