01 March 2010 Monday
last night's dreamings
a llama was involved in an attack on the sideview mirror of the car. I think it chewed it off.
family was in danger.. someone was out to kill all of us.. parents aware.. needed to survive the night (at home?) and then would board a plane or some other mode of transport away the next morning. death threat was serious.
needed to somewhat feign no knowledge of danger.. was going to all sleep under the bed? but that wasn’t going to work (I found even I could barely fit) so I insisted they all sleep on top of the bed together (king-sized bed..) and I would stay awake through the night and keep watch. a friend or two was involved. I was trying to figure a way to position the tv(?) so that I could play Nintendo while facing them without the light of the television disrupting their sleep..
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