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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

Computer: ‘Bugger’ is a noun, ‘git’ is a sub-standard verb, and ‘gitling’ is not in any of my word bases.
Mazer: I made ‘gitling’ up but it’s an excellent word, so use it. And I can’t believe they programmed you without ‘bugger off’ in the word base.


Playlist pieces

To run it takes the courage of a lamb,
to love, the fierceness of a storm.


…for those of you falling in love, keep it kind, keep it good, keep it right.
Throw yourself in the midst of danger, but keep one eye open at night.


Recent comments

  • on

    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

06 November 2009 Friday

Happy Birthday Kimley o^_^o

slated in days at 5:04 pm

Hello Beautiful. ‘hope you’re showered with hugs and gifts and attention and cheers and cake and song this whole weekend, as you should be always. ::huggles::::::::::::::::::::::

Playlist 11/04 - 11/09/2009

slated in playlists at 4:33 am

HemLeave Me Here
Pearl & The Beard [amiest]
Finn BrothersGentle Hum
Peter MulveyOut Here
GusterCome Downstairs and Say Hello
Terra Naomi – Flesh For Bones
Collective Soul – No More, No Less
Ray LaMontagneLesson Learned
SiaBreathe Me
Dashboard ConfessionalAm I Missing
Joseph ArthurIn the Sun

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned it before, but it remains so: Ray LaMontagne’s Lesson Learned ~= Sia’s Breathe Me (Also, exactly 200 entry IDs apart. Also, Am I missing and In the Sun are exactly 300 apart. If everything matters, then it’s possible that on some mathemagical level this means something.)

03 November 2009 Tuesday

I like girls

slated in mused at 10:35 pm

Nice things about being friends with girls (as a [hetero] girl):

  • you can dote on them without it being misinterpreted as flirting
  • when discussing relationships/guys, you don’t really have to mince the words/facts/past to avoid shattering an otherwise (relatively) ladylike view of you.
  • you can more often believe them when they compliment you
  • you can accept unlimited glasses or bottles of alcohol from them without (usually) being forced to consider that they’re trying to get you drunk to take advantage of you

"these words repeating in my head..."

slated in mused at 10:13 pm

I’m talkin’ ‘bout blue skies blue skies… what’s the matter matter blue skies…

This mash-up keeps happening in my head.

Also, it’s difficult to play either album without feeling lots of feelings, either happy and excited or sincere and emotional.. Mostly the happy if you’re listening/occasionally singing while driving awesomely with relatively/irrelevantly cooperative traffic.

“The facts were these..”

“Give me the love of an orchestra!!”

“A hundred miles a hundred miles a hundred miles a hundred miles.. you can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles…”

“Without hope or agenda..”

Playlist 10/31 - 11/03/2009

slated in playlists at 6:41 pm

Rosanne Cash – 500 Miles
Joni Mitchell – Both Sides

01 November 2009 Sunday

Operation: Shed the Stuff

Getting rid of as much of my physical personal posessions as possible

slated in moments at 12:54 am

Okay, Stuff. I like you, but I like creativity and movement and creation and space and organization even better, and you are in my way of those things.

28 October 2009 Wednesday

slated in moments at 5:53 am

My mommy has really really soft cheeks. I’d probably kiss them a whole lot more if I didn’t think it’d disconcert her.

I’m cheating on J.Crew. I still love the clothes but I’m tired of their deteriorating attitude. I’ve found another brand with which I see a lot of potential for a happy relationship. Shape up, J.Crew; I miss you, but your behavior no longer provides for a sustainable relationship.

Raincoats should have hoods. Outerwear should have pockets. .

27 October 2009 Tuesday

Some thoughts of the week

slated in mused at 7:57 pm

Everything is connected. The smallest things affect.

For want of a nail…

If the smallest things affect the big things, than either the tiniest things matter or nothing does.

“Everything counts a little more than we think.”

“If nothing we do matters, all that matters is what we do.”

26 October 2009 Monday

Happy Birthday Lor o^_^o

slated in days at 2:58 am

Let’s eat pizza and cake.

Love always,

17 October 2009 Saturday

Playlist 10/16 - 10/20/2009

slated in playlists at 2:01 am

Paper Raincoat
Jack Savoretti
Greg Jong
Patrick Park
Joshua James
Noah and the Whale – Blue Skies
Frightened Rabbit
Imogen Heap – Glittering Clouds
Jack Savoretti – One Man Band
Joshua James – Coal War
Ingrid Michaelson – Soldier
Frightened Rabbit – Backwards Walk
Imogen Heap – First Train Home

Everything is safely stored in the Archives