04 March 2008 Tuesday
Why should I have to have iTunes in order to download a free mp3 from NPR!? Just because it’s called a podcast doesn’t mean it needs an ipod, doesn’t mean it needs itunes.
That’s what colors are for: so we can see the differences, and care about them.
now i’m dry of faults; wait for the rain;
soleil all over you, warm sun…
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Why should I have to have iTunes in order to download a free mp3 from NPR!? Just because it’s called a podcast doesn’t mean it needs an ipod, doesn’t mean it needs itunes.
Charlotte Martin – Beautiful Life
Feist – Mushaboom
My next president is closer to being so.
Newegg.com and I are no longer BFF. Until they learn what “service” is, I am ceasing all advocation of their site and “services”, and will turn amazon, zipzoomfly and 3btech, etc.
Been battling a lousy cold/unwellness thing the past several days… I’ve been slowly winning.. I think I’ve almost got it beat, on good behavior…
Chikchaks/little geckos in Malaysia/Thailand are typically small guys, about 3-inches long. I ran into a “real” gecko yesterday..
I was at a wedding today. I am really glad that my one day’s impression of the groom is that I really like him. Because I really love her; I’m counting on coming to love him too.
Happy year of the rat. And apparently same word for mouse, so it will be a particularly good year for Disney/Mickey. The nonstop Tom and Jerry cartoons (in celebration of the Year of the Rat/“Kat”), however, must stop. Please. Quoth the little dragon, “pleeeeeeeeeeassse?”
Charlotte Martin – Redeemed
Charlotte Martin – Limits of Our Love
The Stars – The Night Starts Here
The Stars – Midnight Coward
The Hours – Ali In The Jungle
Stars – Midnight Coward [via]
Stars – Personal [lyrics]