04 March 2008 Tuesday
Why should I have to have iTunes in order to download a free mp3 from NPR!? Just because it’s called a podcast doesn’t mean it needs an ipod, doesn’t mean it needs itunes.
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
Come on people, keep your friends close — your enemies won’t matter in the end.
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
Why should I have to have iTunes in order to download a free mp3 from NPR!? Just because it’s called a podcast doesn’t mean it needs an ipod, doesn’t mean it needs itunes.
Charlotte Martin – Beautiful Life
Feist – Mushaboom
My next president is closer to being so.
Newegg.com and I are no longer BFF. Until they learn what “service” is, I am ceasing all advocation of their site and “services”, and will turn amazon, zipzoomfly and 3btech, etc.
Been battling a lousy cold/unwellness thing the past several days… I’ve been slowly winning.. I think I’ve almost got it beat, on good behavior…
Chikchaks/little geckos in Malaysia/Thailand are typically small guys, about 3-inches long. I ran into a “real” gecko yesterday..
I was at a wedding today. I am really glad that my one day’s impression of the groom is that I really like him. Because I really love her; I’m counting on coming to love him too.
Happy year of the rat. And apparently same word for mouse, so it will be a particularly good year for Disney/Mickey. The nonstop Tom and Jerry cartoons (in celebration of the Year of the Rat/“Kat”), however, must stop. Please. Quoth the little dragon, “pleeeeeeeeeeassse?”
Charlotte Martin – Redeemed
Charlotte Martin – Limits of Our Love
The Stars – The Night Starts Here
The Stars – Midnight Coward
The Hours – Ali In The Jungle
Stars – Midnight Coward [via]
Stars – Personal [lyrics]