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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“Men are like solar panels, women are like the sun.”

Playlist pieces

Be my friend.
Wrap me up.
Unfold me.


I’m ‘a shout
I’m ‘a scream it
It’s not anything that I could ever keep in


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

20 November 2009 Friday

slated in prose/poetry, mood at 1:24 am

Neither dark nor bright
moon rises and falls always
looking for its light

looking for cozy

sweet candy shell doesn’t melt
it’s not in your hand

18 November 2009 Wednesday

slated in mused at 6:53 am

I am not feeling entirely myself this week. But still more me than anyone else may ever be.

11 November 2009 Wednesday

slated in moments at 6:49 pm

I need congee (rice soup/porridge).
Throat hurts. Still have a cold of some sort.

Random ID 2029.

10 November 2009 Tuesday

slated in moments at 5:59 pm

Us? Or You and Me?

I woke up with a cold this morning. It was probably the going-to-sleep-after-a-shower-with-wet-hair, which is always hit and miss for a cold in the morning, but this morning included a sore throat. And I went to bed with a kink in my neck. I’m not terribly pleased about any of this. I’m complaining, but I’m not sure who I’m complaining to. While I’m at it, I’d like to note that my eyes hurt this morning, and I was sluggish so I got to work a little late. — Which everyone’s been great about and I got an impromptu hug early on, so this is all becoming less of a complaint and more of a self-indulgent ramble — which belongs properly on my personal site so I’m doing this right.

The little gourd my coworker gave me is still on my desk. I feel like I should paint it or something (it’s not very colorful on its own, but it’s still pretty novel, somehow). I have grapes to munch on today because I got to the store yesterday. They didn’t want to cube my parrano, but last week at the other store the offered to cube it in the first place and it made me happy.

I love when my dad sings. It’s one of my favorite things in the world. Actually, it is probably also true for my mom’s singing, which is rarer; they’re both deeply precious to me.

It’s currently 10:11am on 11/10/2009 — in case anyone wondered.

I had chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. I normally avoid this if I have a sore throat, but I’ve been drinking a fair bit of water lately and see no reason for having a sore throat, so I’m sore about the sore throat and don’t see why it should interfere with my cookie eating. The subject of the yesterday was illogicality (apparently illogicism and illogicalness are not words).

One of my favorite things that my Dad taught me, that I’m still learning, is that the world will survive us, life goes on; the world is always turning toward the morning.

Schuyler Fisk came up random on the sidebar. So did, “We can be captain of our ship, but not the sea.” I think that places more responsibility upon us, somehow, rather than less.

So did random entry: August 18, 2008 (a better entry than today’s I’m sure). And the fox quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
“It’s a cycle,” he said, “it always turns back toward the morning.”

Gordon Bok - Turning Toward the Morning

slated in lyrics at 4:26 am

It’s a pity we don’t know what the little flowers know
they can’t face the cold November, they can’t take the wind and snow.
They put their glories all behind them, bow their heads and let it go
but you know they’ll be there shining in the morning.

09 November 2009 Monday

slated in quotes at 10:21 pm

Wind or stone; thou mayest.

slated in mused, moments at 6:57 pm

I am getting a mocha.

slated in moments at 6:52 pm

Remembering what is relevant.

slated in mused, mood at 12:28 am

trees falling in a forest

07 November 2009 Saturday

slated in mood at 6:43 am

“You were what I wanted; I gave what I gave.”

“You are what I want.”

“a road I crossed”

Everything is safely stored in the Archives