tag: computers
2012 July 15
:: 07/16/12
Ideal input device
:: 04/06/11
Logos and company
:: 05/28/09
GRUB loader failed AND USB ports all dead
:: 06/23/08
june 9, 2008
:: 06/09/08
pissed off; from the On-Screen Keyboard
:: 09/23/07
Danium's ailment
:: 05/31/07
:: 08/20/06
a mention of my silence
:: 12/13/05
:: 06/10/05
The Stupid Computer
:: 12/03/04
current desktop screenshots; bblean
:: 11/13/04
It's been a good day
:: 11/10/04
you keep on crashing my computer.
:: 10/10/99
Everything is safely stored in the Archives