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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

Playlist pieces

Each feather — it fell from skin


I don’t know how you stand when you’ve got no floor


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

16 June 2008 Monday

Pretty and unpretty poetry

slated in site-building, mused at 4:58 am

Poor 1haiku. Seems comments were broken so nothing’s been going through for ages and ages (months/years)…
I just upgraded and found that individual article pages broke — were returning 500 error… solved by Textdrive(it’s still Textdrive to me)/Joyent forum. So all should be better now.

02 December 2007 Sunday

Textpattern upgrades

slated in site-building at 10:24 pm

Upgraded Textpattern Resources, Ferrydust to Textpattern SVN of 4.0.5.

Performing organizational upgrades and will work on cleanup on Textpattern Resources — long overdue. If someone wants to help with the cleanup (“archiving” old plugins/articles, fixing broken links, retrieving and housing old plugins to the server directly sot hat people can actually access them because original authors’ sites are dead), please drop me a line.

…several hours later ~8:pm
…. found out the hard way that latest SVN version has a particularly painful glitch in which individual articles were not showing at all. Rolled back to an official release (from September) of 4.0.5 and all is well again.
5:50am ~ there’s either a glitch with the txp:hide tag or with the latest SVN version of Textpattern in blocking/omitting articles from displaying on individual article pages. I’ll figure it out tomorrow… Meanwhile, have rolled both back (to September version and trusty txp:anc_hide) so all should be working well…

02 November 2007 Friday

general updates

slated in site-building, moments at 5:37 pm

site-building stuff:

  • cytizen.net scratched and revamped (geez, finally), URLs updated.. Also, ICDSoft account upgraded (not really necessary, but I like them that much, and the extra space is happy for mail users).
  • put in my ticket to move Chilco over to a Joyent/Textdrive shared accelerator while my move from One is still fresh.
  • finally put a password across my PBase galleries.

I don’t know whose idea it was (well, I do… but figuratively speaking…) to sit me next to AF at the office, but paper bits (waded up with or without messages written on them) have been flying.

Still not feeling great.. mouth’s been happier, but have remembered my good friend Ice Cream recently and that should solve a lot of things.

I’ll be back on email probably tomorrow midday. Phone tomorrow eve, maybe.

31 October 2007 Wednesday

Hi Bolinas

Byebye One...

slated in site-building at 4:20 am

After days and lots of Filip’s patience (thanks again Filip, and Textdrive/Joyent team), the migration from One to Bolinas is complete…

Lots of hiccups remain..

21 September 2007 Friday

Goodbye One :-/

slated in site-building at 10:35 pm

This won’t be immediately, but looks like Ferrydust and I will be leaving our longtime home on Textdrive server One, soon, for a new homestead on one of Joyent’s (Textdrive) Accelerators.

I will really miss One. It was my first and favorite home on Textdrive. Other houses are staying where they are on Chilco and Txp (almost certainly on Accelerator anyway..that’s prolly what that move was about a couple months ago?)… but those on One — Ferrydust, 1haiku, etc. — will be stretching out in new digs in the next week or so (crosses fingers). Migration does not look like a happily-simple process, but … moving’s usually a pretty big undertaking anyway, in most mediums.

Am looking forward to speed and betterness, though. But will always be sad to have to have left One.

*Update: looks like I’ll be moving to Bolinas. I’m excited about meeting my new neighbors! ::shy::

*Update: move complete

Antiochians mockup2

slated in site-building at 10:31 pm
Antiochians mockup2

...at least the frame of the design is out

12 August 2007 Sunday

Previous articles lists implemented

slated in site-building at 9:27 am

Found some old mockups of ferrydust revisions (pixeleater versions).. Found that I had never implemented one of the styles of lists I had intended for previous articles…

12 July 2007 Thursday

Be ashamed to let it die

slated in moments, site-building at 1:50 am

Antioch’s logo
stands for

I was on the fence when I first heard that Antioch College was going to be closed.

Antioch College news

I’m not on the fence anymore.

29 June 2007 Friday

Comments section

slated in site-building at 9:04 am

Had forgotten to mention — last week I set up the Comments page. Have been wanting to do that for a while.

31 October 2006 Tuesday

TRv2 progress sheet

slated in site-building at 5:38 pm
  • 11/01/2006, 1:49am — self-registration is a Go. main archive pages are quite useable. links page in basic form. a few other hundred things also got done, but quite honestly I’m kind of not thinking so usefully at the moment.
Everything is safely stored in the Archives