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Playlist pieces

We can’t return, we can only look behind from where we came.


I’m driving in the dark towards you, not stopping til I catch the sunlight in my eye


Recent comments

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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

  • on

    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

  • on

    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

  • on

    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

29 October 2004 Friday

It's about time...

slated in moments, site-building at 2:24 pm

It’s about time that this site is looking and working most of the way it’s supposed to…


...it’s about time that I go to bed.

I’m going to have a sleep hangover. Sucky. But actually feeling pretty good about this whole ferrydust site thing…

Next (tomorrow): change output of articles in Words section be by excerpt, and have only individual articles show the full texts.
also, start bringing over every single piece from the old cytizen/aim site so that it’s all in one good place…finally!

And then… Alicson will finally have her own homepage!


27 October 2004 Wednesday

Status updates

slated in site-building at 6:44 pm

okay… so i’m at a little bit of a sticky point because it seems that importing all the previous entires from the ferrydust.goodgrape site may turn out to be trickier than i had thought. i’m not worried yet though… those geniuses over in the forums may bestow
instructions upon me yet.

anyway, i’m not necessarily entirely ready for all the old entries to come in yet.. i’ve not yet done anything toward creating an archive page or anything organizational and navigable like that. so that’s next.

if the outcome of tuesday’s election goes the wrong way i will very seriously consider leaving this country for a while, and moving as much of my family out as i can.

we (family) celebrated my brother’s birthday on Monday. he’s bashful and friendly and family-oriented at times like that. i’m glad the pants fit..i’ve never bought guys pants before.

if you eat too many [orange] tic tacs at once, it burns your tongue. that’s not new knowledge, though..

holy *#$&*! (is ‘cow’ a bad word? why’s it cow, anyway? what about ‘holy badger!’ or ‘holy potato!’ or is it the ‘holy’ part that’s bad?) there’s a new jimmy eat world album? coolio.

should: more sleeping at night and out of bed earlier and less staying up so so late and getting a sleep-hangover in the late morning.

26 October 2004 Tuesday

ferrydust Gallery

slated in site-building at 10:39 pm

At this point, I don’t think the Ferrydust gallery is going to happen until Ferrydust v2 comes out… but existing photos/galleries are still available upon request.

Could that really be progress i see?

slated in moments at 11:50 am

well. the whole assembly seems to actually be…assembling. far from ready, but much closer to actuality than had seemed actually possible beyond conception.

the fish seem well.

it is way way way way past my bedtime now… i want to get back on this site-building tomorrow; i want to see the light at the end and i want out of the tunnel and remember what that feels like. sleep first. victories later.


slated in site-building at 4:33 am

This was the Colophon for ferrydust as of late October 2004. It has been retired since late April 2005.


ferrydust, is hosted by TextDrive and powered by TextPattern (1.0rc1). HTML and CSS composition is largely done through EditPlus (the best notepad I know), and sometimes simultaneously through Crimson Editor. My weapon of choice is a Toshiba Satellite 5205-s703.

Once upon a time, there was a site named rasasayang.net, that looked similar to the site you see now. It was powered quite happily through MovableType. Ultimately, there was a big hullaballoo involving new licensing.. my brief personal stance on it is that there should have been more communication with the MovableType community on the part of Six Apart. I’m with TextPattern now, more than any other reason, because of the sense of community I saw in the TextPattern and TextDrive forums, and the good impression I had of Dean. I did sign up with TextDrive before my first installation of TextPattern ever happened. That was a circumstance of really fortunate timing and a simply good decision.

You may see reference to this site dating back to 2002… ferrydust began in 2004 and ‘opened’ on October 29. However, I have tried to consolidate as much of my past web entries/presences as possible, such as from xanga and cytizen/aim, and the ancient omniali site (which actually dates back to about 2000). All of those were always waiting for me to get it together and actually build one fairly comprehensive personal homesite for myself. That almost happened with rasasayang, but it didn’t. And one day ferrydust was finally born.

Individual article hit counts are as of 20 February 2005.

The whole lavender/lilac theme is entirely based on a single photograph, mutated through hand illustration and our dear friend Photoshop, and a supporting role played by Adobe Illustrator.

This site will look a bit different in IE (and MyIE2) than in the other browsers, because IE is less intelligent and I had to adjust several pieces of the layout to its personal comprehnsion. Hopefully, I got it reasonably right.. Please do let me know if you are viewing something atrocious in your browser; I’d like to fix whatever I can. FYI, my browsers of choice are Opera and Firefox, with MyIE2 (now called Maxthon.. but I’m in denial) to capably manage those unfortunate instances in which an IE browser is necessary.

That was a hodgepodge of info, neh?

Current truth, building fd

slated in site-building at 4:32 am

So this website is up and open, and though it’s not developed to the point that I had intended and it’s been thrown together far messily than..

well, it is what it is. I’ll hopefully accomplish much more with it in the not-too-distant-future.. but at least this much is done. I can be a little proud of that, neh?

Textpattern Plugins Repository

slated in site-building at 3:43 am

This was written in regards to old ferrydust, late October 2004… It has been replaced for ferrydust v2, late April 2005.

This site depends on a heapful of plugins that were crafted and generously made available to and from the textpattern community. Without their efforts and benevolence, much would not be possible, and I am very thankful to them.

The following TextPattern plugins are installed to give this site its extra punches:

  1. asy_category_tags to link to categories or show context-sensitive category lists
  2. asy_showdate for control over display of the posted date of each entry
  3. dru_random_text to display random text from an external page – off
  4. mem_glinklist for improved Link Lists
  5. rsx_word_count for counting up the words in each post
  6. glx_if for an assortment of useful conditional tags
  7. akw_date_aware to have the date print once per day rather than for every article
  8. zem_link for greater control over permalinks
  9. zem_nav for navigation between posts and pages
  10. chh_article_custom to replace txp:article and txp:article_custom for all manner of ways to display articles
  11. mdn_section_archive for section archival
  12. mdm_if_category to pass content conditional on category
  13. mdn_if_section to pass content conditional on specified sections
  14. rss_if_author to distinguish between authors of posts
  15. rss_author_info to define information for authors
  16. rei_show_custom to show Texpattern’s custom fields
  17. gbl_blog_stats to print some basic site statistics, such as number of posts and of comments
  18. swf_if_empty conditional to recognize when fields are empty or full
  19. ob1_googlenav for a much better page navigation modeled after google
  20. zem_redirect redirect for Textpattern URLs
  21. ob1_title title for control of and flexible utilization of document titles
  22. spc_section_alias for section renaming and management
  23. glx_image for display and characteristics of article images
  24. dca_pop to allow for pop-up images from article image thumbnails
  25. poe_bbclone for integration of bbclone into textpattern
  26. live textile-formatted comment preview hack
  27. author highlight in comments hack
  28. zem_nth for alternating styles such as in comments
  29. quikpik admin hack for very improved efficiency in navigation of the admin panel
  30. self register mod to allow users to self-register to post/edit the site
  31. notepad hack to create an administrator’s notepad
  32. ob1_advanced_search for advanced search features for users
  33. rsx_request_count, for simple individual article counter
  34. anc_hide, for commenting out output forms! (and stuff)
  35. low_discuss, for customizing comments

About Me (2004)

slated in site-building at 3:41 am

This used to be the ferrydust ‘about me’, from late October 2004, retired late April 2005.

The thing you should understand, and maybe give some allowance for, is that i’m not really a webdesigner nor a programmer. I am a someone who likes designing things and playing on computers, and I wish I’d spent more time doing the former in the past several years. Regarding all the coding and programming and techinical stuff, I find I often don’t really know what I’m doing.. I am very thankful that other people do, and are kind enough to post instructions online for me to find, or to patiently advise me in the forums or even create specific scripts and plugins to indulge me. When remotely possible, I really like to be helpful too. I absolutely love that the internet makes so much so possible.

Anyway, this site is my learning process. Criticisms and constructive feedback and hellos and stuff are quite welcome. Just don’t be unnecessarily mean. Cuz that’s not nice. And I kick.

Replaced this photo (posted around 2005) for 2017.

The else you might find useful in contextualizing me and this site (same difference, sort of), are, first of all, I am me; and I am loved. Secondly, and every subsequent else, I have a ‘c’ in my name that is pronounced like a ‘k’, and my name doesn’t rhyme with anything. I have a younger brother, an asian mother, a caucasian father. I am several parts inclusive of Malaysian, Chinese, American. I am also decidedly sukoshi parts of ISB, RHS, UMD, Antioch, KSU, the Internet, the United States, journals, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries berries, and other mostly good things. I’m convinced durian is evil. Cookies are my thing. So is ice cream, and so are mushrooms (—the kind you put on pizza. The legal kind you put on pizza.) I always use the turn signal when I’m driving. 17-year cicadas in my presence offend me, as do mosquitos. I am a virgo. And female. I respond strongly to some many things cute, most things poignant, some things funny, and all things excellent. I have been often accused of being stubborn, emotional, and incredible.

I do suppose that was a bit excessively candidly self-indulgent. ..On second thought, this is my personal site. The very idea is excessive self-indulgence. I forgive me.

Thank you for stopping by / glancing through / meticulously reading everything on this site, and have a beautiful day.

21 October 2004 Thursday

First Post

slated in site-building at 6:48 pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec rutrum est eu mauris. In volutpat blandit felis. Suspendisse eget pede. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Quisque sed arcu. Aenean purus nulla, condimentum ac, pretium at, commodo sit amet, turpis. Aenean lacus. Ut in justo. Ut viverra dui vel ante. Duis imperdiet porttitor mi. Maecenas at lectus eu justo porta tempus. Cras fermentum ligula non purus. Duis id orci non magna rutrum bibendum. Mauris tincidunt, massa in rhoncus consectetuer, lectus dui ornare enim, ut egestas ipsum purus id urna. Vestibulum volutpat porttitor metus. Donec congue vehicula ante.

even when I numb myself

slated in mused, moments at 5:49 am

re: tread’s xanga entry


fine! ..but they really are pretty fish.

wait, i get to talk about them just a little bit first…
okay, i brought Twain in the big bowl up to my room today… seems he’s begun a little bit of a bubblenest too. :)
and Abra had been in the smallest bowl and it seemed to me that a) he’s slightly larger than Rhine, so maybe they should switch homes, and b) Abra’s current bowl was the dirties of the three so it was time for water-changing and cleaning. so i did both of those. Abra now seems tens more active and swimmy, and Rhine is up and about much too.

okay okay. that’s that on the fish.

i did finish Children of the Mind. maybe i should get back to Catcher in the Rye. maybe.

watched most of the season premiere of West Wing today. but i came in late, so a sukosh confus-ed. and i didn’t watch the second half of last season… twas depressing. used to be so good and on track. now it seems in every episode people are on their deathbeds or being blown up or losing their temper… it’s all so volatile.. which makes some sense for some of it.. but it all seems extra drama-fied. still educational tho, i guess. so many things to watch on Wednesdays!

ok, re: other things…
<deleted text>

i’m distracted now. well.. i dunno. thoughts are there but not stuff i want to write out here. that’s really the thing about this whole thing. but hey i can talk about the fish cuz… well.. i don’t think they’ll mind.
but if talking about family, or… people or my personal endeavors and random and focused thoughts…
in theory i love the idea of online journaling. really. really really.
but then there’s everything that really can’t be told the world over, or at least can’t be heard by certains..

doesn’t mean the whole thing stops.
after all, this recurring theme maybe be old and boring but it’s text and it’s in my space so no badness.

and always else.

listening to: Sun Yan Zi singing That I Would Be Good:

“that I would be good even if I did nothing
that I would be good even if I got thumbs down
that I would be good if I got and stayed sick
that I would be good even if I gained ten pounds

that I would be fine even if I went bankrupt
that I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
that I would be great if I was no longer queen
that I would be grand if I was not all-knowing

that I would be loved even when I numb myself
that I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
that I would be loved even when I was fuming
that I would be good even if I was clingy

that I would be good even if I lost sanity
that I would be good
whether with or without you”


Everything is safely stored in the Archives