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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

“living is a thing you do
now or never—which do you?”

Playlist pieces

misread all of the signals that you never sent


some moments last forever, but some flare out with love love love


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

31 May 2010 Monday

Playlist 05/30/2010

slated in playlists at 3:40 am

Schuyler Fisk
Charlotte Martin

29 May 2010 Saturday


slated in mused at 10:58 pm

I was very much a pencil kid, and for many years always carried multiple mechnical pencils. I’ve been a pen person for many years now (pen doesn’t smear and rub all over notebook pages like pencil lead does) so it’s an amusing surprise to be reminded of things like eraser lint. If I can figure how to deal with the eraser lint, I think (colored) erasable pens may be a solid way to go.

The question is: how well will the ink on the page hold up over decades?

Erasability and novelty, or reliable traditional permanency?

25 May 2010 Tuesday

slated in dreams at 7:06 pm

If dreams mean anything (?) then this one is notable since we were always on the same side before. Was a big house; challenging to defend from intruders. Important things are kept safe.

10 April 2010 Saturday

Playlist 03/2010 pt.2

slated in playlists at 8:30 pm

Jonsi – Sticks and Stones
Mumford & Sons – Awake My Soul
Matias Aguayo – Rollerskate
Josh Ritter
The RescuesLet Loose The Horses [get EP]

28 March 2010 Sunday

slated in dreams, moments at 7:01 pm

Dream involved a concert. I arrived late (why?) but managed to make it to front row between songs. Was meeting old friends.

Yesterday’s kite festival was festive and kite-filled.
Also good company, orchids, snackings, light tunnel, and ahi sliders.

I haven’t written poetry in years. (Why?)
<afterthought> this isn’t actually true.. but I guess the feeling is there. and I haven’t kept a consolidated journal of poetry in a long time. still room in the little blue book. or maybe I’ll start a new one.
I need space. </afterthought>

I love reading good books, except that I simultaneously really want to finish them and really don’t, because I’ll miss reading them. That’s how good things are, I guess?
But not all good things must end. I believe in that.

I am really crushing on this book.

20 March 2010 Saturday

Just Stay (Email Forward)

slated in mainstream at 12:00 am

This came through as a Forward in my email (thanks Mom). I’ve seen it before; I still don’t know its original author/source.

A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside of an old man.

?Your son is here,? she said to the old man.

She had to repeat the words several times before the patient?s eyes opened.

Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man?s limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement.

18 March 2010 Thursday

slated in mused at 4:15 am

When I was younger I read a lot. I always checked out the library limit (35-40 at a time) and had them all read well within their due dates.

I walked out of the library today with just a handful of books, knowing sadly that there will almost certainly be one or three of them that I do not get to open at all before they’re due.

I realized my reading habits are rather like my eating habits: they haven’t really changed over the years, while my metabolism has.

17 March 2010 Wednesday

slated in molehills at 9:45 pm

Aaaargh. I’m looking at renewing my passport and I find myself physically uncomfortable and resistant to the idea of putting my old/current passport in the mail — even if they give it back.

12 March 2010 Friday

slated in dreams at 4:52 pm

A strange, long dream. One I can’t really share here or hardly at all. My old house, I think more than three stories high in this case.. many people in it, but three guests in particular of note. …

11 March 2010 Thursday

slated in dreams at 5:37 pm

Dream involved a snake in my room. Hiding in the shelves/closet or something. Copper-colored, but very smooth, from the glimpse I saw of its head, so don’t think it was a copperhead. …

Everything is safely stored in the Archives