Ooh. found a copy of Tokyo Drift with Chinese AND Bahasa Melayu subtitles (Malaysian).
Now I can transcribe the good scene.
GOSH DARNIT they lost a chunk of that scene!!! You have GOT to be kidding me. They killed the whole only section I wanted.
I think today (or at least early afternoon) is an Abandoned Pools day.
– Blood, L.V.B.D., Mercy Kiss
I’m in and out of astral planes, the sliding doors I break the panes, I know it’s strange so are you brave enough. Alright, like a quarterback I score; I’m the one they all adore, but I can’t find what I’m looking for.
, Monster,
Never, Ruin Your Life, Start Over,
Sunny Day, The Remedy
(On a lighter note,) in Cars (watched yester.eve) they had drifting), and I totally knew what was cuz I just watched Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift.
It’s not something I want to call attention to, so I wasn’t going to.. but for my own reference: the gun I referred to in the previous entry bothers me a bit, because it’s not something I take lightly or even find humor or beauty or identity in, as I know is a culture these days..
deep sea… on a boat or submarine… either going after a huge whale, or taking one out to deep sea… it’s looking for escape.. taking stock of the landmarks as we leave shallow waters.
Tons of dreaming.
Waterpark of some sort? or turned out to be set up that way…
tiered high levels of water/pools..
friend from highschool, Sheldon, was there..
I hadn’t tried the water slide.. so I tried it.. was interestingly designed.. like sliding down a banister, rather than a halfpipe/slide. (Banister waterslide worked really well… in real life tho, ‘don’t think it would be so balancable, at that velocity and frictionlessness.)
Yesterday was… a bit of a mixed day.
I got assaulted/accosted as I was walking out of my bank.. it was really strange and alarming and mostly strange. The guy yanked my arm off the door as I was holding it open for the next person.. He was really mad at me… Apparently he followed me into the parking lot?
Edwin McCain and Maia Sharp – Say Anything
Over The Rhine – Give Me Strength
Vienna Teng – Gravity