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Enduring philosophies and favorite quotes

show me what you do, and I’ll tell you what you believe.


Playlist pieces

If it’s never, then it’s never.


I’m driving in the dark towards you, not stopping til I catch the sunlight in my eye


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    I only got partway through this actually, so I still don’t have the answer. That I didn’t…

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    wow, i’m surprised to find a place like this on the Internet now, this place is so pure, s…

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    *update: it’s now 10 years later, and still my favorite coat.

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    I don’t know whether I’m more amused or dismayed by this post. I mean, I remember; and th…

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    wow really very nic….images wallpapers…


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"Everything counts a little more than we think..."

07 July 2008 Monday

slated in mused at 5:28 pm

and life is a choice, first and foremost.
(though also a responsibility and no man is an island and one should take responsibility for their influence—however minute/pathetic—in the universe/upon others)
So I’m not begrudging that.
But I was surprised because
life should not be a gamble.
Life should be amazing and beautiful and appreciated and valuable and meaningful for itself. Not a measly (in the scheme of things) stepping stone to get anywhere, no matter how grand.
Life has to mean more than that. Individuality, bodies, minds, feelings, art, senses.. they simply must mean more than that.
And if they don’t, then just how glorious can Glory be?

slated in moments, mused at 4:56 pm

I thought I’d broken Ferrydust for a bit…
I think I’ve pinpointed the issue to the birthday post for Toby.. Was weird for a bit.

Anyway, yes, I have a hole in my foot. No, I’m not going to die. I don’t know if I’ve had my tetanus shot[recently]; if the doctor’s office never calls me back, I may never know.

Looks like a nice day out there, despite expected rain. i’d really like to make the Bond movie, but why is everything so busy and many things so messy lately?
Common thread is me/my time/space, neh?

Common threads.. important threads.. awareness, responsibility; choices, preferences, determination..

I am not going to die.

But I'm not trying to upset anyone either.

slated in moments at 3:59 pm

Alcohol spray. Nice.
Okay okay. I’m looking into whether or not I had the *&(@# tetanus shot in the last few months or not. I’m hoping someone remembers and tells me soon, because I can’t seem to get a live person on the phone from my doctor’s office right now..

slated in moments, mood at 3:13 am

Yee sang, Cherry Blossomness, Siyo Nqoba, Nonstop, onlyJ, salmon, ouch, beauty in the breakdown.

05 July 2008 Saturday

letter to Logos

at 9:44 pm

Dear Logos,

daring, my love, I can’t take all your teasing.
Don’t work if you’re not going to work later!
Pick a symptom if you want to be broken and stay broken until I’ve figured out how to fix you (failing Rhaeg harddrive? grub boot issues? startup with no windows? non-responsive USB ports? confused power directions? overheating graphics card? I tells ya…)
OR — OR stay FIXED and happy and working all the time and we can interact in bliss and harmony for all time (or at least until technology jumps too far ahead for me to justify.. — sorry babe. ours is not a relationship of sustainable perpetuity and equality. But let’s at least ride this wave together as long as we can, neh? when the time comes, I promise to let you down as gently as possible. Just stop breaking my heart all the time meanwhile!!!)

Your creator, user, admin, playmate,

p.s. I’m glad to have you back. again. oy.

04 July 2008 Friday

Happy Birthday Toby o^_^o

slated in days, scenery at 6:24 pm

Happy 4th of July, and happy birthday Toby.

03 July 2008 Thursday

just whatever it takes to get to where it should be

slated in mused at 7:58 pm

Some things are worth it

02 July 2008 Wednesday

slated in moments, site-building at 4:28 pm

I broke Textpattern Resources site. o_O
Well, maybe. Either way, it’s definitley broken.
I’m sure it needs tables repaired but phpmyadmin won’t let me in because it’s angry about something I can’t fix cuz it won’t let me in.
Here’s hoping Filip or another superhero can rescue it soon..

*update at 10:37am: Okay. Apparently I did not break it. But in any case, Superhero Filip came to the rescue again, saving txp sites everywhere… :)

01 July 2008 Tuesday

You don't know what honesty is

slated in mused at 3:39 pm

True honesty and trust is not about simply not telling secrets and avoiding lies.

It’s about good judgment, personal responsibility, awareness and caring.

27 June 2008 Friday

I remember

slated in mood at 9:28 am

Ran into old Ferrydust journal entries. One month in particular..

Everything is safely stored in the Archives