29 May 2004 Saturday
i got mine
oh, yes. —> <—
*terribly pleased*
(thanks to enrique for the badge)
“Disaster strikes, font sizes increase instead of action and donations.”
I think it was a crime, the things we waste trying to not waste our time
...How you always talk of catching me, but never open up your hands.
I’m not listening for the right words anymore.
..like the blue sky, right before the rain comes crashing through…
Excuse me, are you lost? Perhaps you would care to visit the site map
oh, yes. —> <—
*terribly pleased*
(thanks to enrique for the badge)
just a brief…:
i think a heck of a lot> has been said about the new MT 3.0 that finally came out.. i’ll just note very briefly (very very summarized), that i think Movable Type has certainly earned the right to quite much money from its users. i also think Six Apart did a terrible job of presenting MT 3.0 and the pricing scheme, and people are mostly rightfully upset about it. but everyone’s already said all this.
moving right along… i’m not completely horrified at MT.. but i am a bit disappointed…i’d really been looking forward to something a little new and useable in 3.0. so, as i’d considered before, wordpress is a reasonable CMS to turn to.. and so is textpattern. i’ve read a number of things about each, but i’m not really keeping straight in my head which does what, exactly.. i do know, though, that each has its advantages. i expect to get to know each (and continue to learn movabletype a bit better, still) and appreciate them a all a bit… and then i’ll choose my favorite and tell the world why it’s decidedly the best. (maybe) so that’s said. i’m moving from movabletype, but staying as well. that is basically what i had to say.
out to dinnertime for me…
i’m still considering getting an additional web host, on top of my current ICDSoft and my new TextDrive accounts. why? cuz i’m like that. and .. <strong>shrug</strong> stuff. but i’ll give it a few more days to mull over.. (been waiting this long…this has been considered for past several weeks… the TextDrive account was a sudden purchase, due to the compelling VC200 offer. now, though, the mass/reseller domain account issue is increasingly pressing… ‘wish there was someone i could trust with the answers…
..referring to the previous entry
i am quite excited about this. how not to be? read a page or two from the textpattern forum about the TextDrive VC200… the open enthusiasm and eagerness and faith and trust and appreciation and camaraderie… i think i paid the money just to be a part of all that, just as much as (if not more) for the fascinating idea of a paid host* for life. —life of the project, anyway. but with the integrity and capability and humanity of the people involved..surely it will be made to succeed. *smiling* my appreciation to everyone in that forum, and i am looking forward to all of it coming.
*a reliable and friendly host, that is knowledgeable and compassionate and simply smart. this whole thing keeps enthusing me more everytime i think about it.
just signed up for an additional web hosting account (additional because i have no intention of leaving icdsoft)
what a terrible time to be spending so much money…
but i think it will be well worth it…
more on this later..
now just have to decide on/activate a good domain /reseller account
When is enough, enough?
Truthfully, usually long past ‘too much’.
Quasi-recent personal experience disallows me ever the straightforward answers:
it’s usually both.. necessarily both, whether to win or to lose.
If you love/want someone who doesn’t seem to love/want you back the same way/with the same intensity/intentions, then you fight for the person’s attention/affection, or you walk away (there are in betweens, but they are all pretty miserable if your feelings are strong for the person, and they’ll all lean/end with the one or the other.)
If there’s someone else in the picture.. a third person…
Then everything is compoundedly more complicated/confusing/frustrating/agonizing/painful. And in turn, as each of those are so terrible, one must convince themselves that the opposites have a fighting chance.. such that the hope is greater and the desire for the person is stronger.
And the loss will be all that more awful.
When is enough, enough?
so tired today. tired yesterday too, but heavier today… mm.. and people starting to fill in to work, so can’t say so much.. not a lot specifically at mind to say.. but a general want to write a bit/talk a bit/sleep for a while in bed under covers. so many things to be done. well that never ever changes. only accumulation.. not so much whole completion. ‘saw fireflies yesterday… first of the season. “summer is here!” how is it only tuesday?
9:21am~ i am not in a good mood today.
2:22pm ~ <strong>in a good mood now</strong> —tis almost home time!
Congrats to the class of 2004 University of Maryland graduates, who just completed ‘Main’ Commencement this (past) evening. And onto the individual College ceremonies tomorrow(today) morning. And then onto the rest of everything else—it’s what everyone went to university for in the first place, right? Well, it was surely terribly worth doing, anyway, even if the timing was rather off. But I digress. Congratulations you guys. Don’t run off too soon; ‘looking forward to seeing some of you a lil, now that you won’t be swamped with classes and exams. ..though every space is room to fill. Goodnight/day and best wishes and all the individually deserved sentiments.
“God is dead”
“Nietzsche is dead”
‘not happy with it. but i guess i’ll go ahead and open it up anyway.. prolly tomorrow or so. i got really lazy at the end, so the code’s a bigger disaster than even it was before. <strong>shrug</strong> working progress, slow and disjointed as it may be.
i haven’t really talked ‘bout the cicadas yet.. i will.
my brother’s going to prom this week.
i thoroughly wish i could have stayed in bed today.
there was something else i’d wanted to say… aimahno..